日本问题研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 58-70.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.01.007

• 历史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院 日本研究所,北京100007
  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-04-06
  • 作者简介:陈静静,女,博士,中国社会科学院日本研究所助理研究员,主要从事日本外交研究。
  • 基金资助:

Sato Government's Policy toward Ryukyu: Vague Position and Gradual Approach

CHEN Jing-jing   

  1. Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100007, China
  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-04-06

摘要: 佐藤荣作执政期间三次访美,逐步推动美国放弃琉球施政权,这三次首脑会谈集中体现了佐藤政府解决琉球问题的政策方针。实际上,推动“返还”的幕后力量来自琉球岛内以及本土主张“返还”的势力,特别是反对党,佐藤的琉球政策更多的是对他们态度的一种回应。他们的态度逐渐变化,佐藤从远东安全的角度考虑如何解决琉球问题,在不损害琉球基地机能的前提下,根据这些态度制定对策。佐藤应对琉球问题的基本方针是试探、模糊与渐进,之所以采用这样的“回归”策略,主要原因在于他在国内的政治地位以及日美不平等的同盟关系。琉球问题与日美同盟紧密相连,在当时是能够引起日本国内政治动荡甚至分裂的敏感问题。如果处理不好,不仅可能危及日本国内政治,还可能导致日美同盟关系恶化,而无论哪种情况都足以结束佐藤的政治生命。

关键词: 佐藤荣作, 日本, 琉球, 冲绳

Abstract: Eisaku Sato visited the U.S. three times during his administration, and pushed the U.S. to give up Ryukyu islands administrative power gradually. These summits exemplified Sato Ryukyu's policy approach to resolve the Ryukyu issue. In fact, the forces behind the scenes were from people in Ryukyu and mainland Japan (especially the opposition parties) advocating “return”, and Sato's Ryukyu policy was more a response to their attitude. Their attitude was changing gradually.Sato considered how to solve the Ryukyu issue from the perspective of Far East security, and formulated countermeasures based on these attitudes without harming the functions of the Ryukyu base. Sato's basic guideline for dealing with the Ryukyu issue is trial, vagueness, and gradual progress. The main reason for adopting such a strategy is his domestic political status and the unequal alliance between Japan and the United States. The Ryukyu issue is closely connected with the JapanUS alliance. At the time, it was a sensitive issue that could cause political turmoil and even division in Japan. If it is not handled properly, it may not only endanger Japan's domestic politics, but may also lead to the deterioration of the Japan-US alliance. Either situation is sufficient to end Sato's political life.

Key words: Sato Eisaku, Japan, Ryukyu, Okinawa
