日本问题研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 38-48.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2023.02.004

• 俄乌冲突视域下的日本政治与经济 • 上一篇    下一篇

言行一致还是言行背离: 俄乌冲突中日本对俄外交逻辑


  1. 南开大学 日本研究院,天津300071
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-13 出版日期:2023-04-25 发布日期:2023-06-30
  • 作者简介:张嘉钰,女,南开大学日本研究院博士研究生,主要从事日本政治与外交、东亚国际关系等方面的研究。

Consistency or Inconsistency Between Diplomatic Language and Actions: The Logic of Japan's Diplomacy Toward Russia in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

ZHANG Jiayu   

  1. Institute of Japan Studies, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
  • Received:2023-03-13 Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-06-30

摘要: 俄乌冲突中日本对俄外交鲜明地体现了日本外交中的矛盾性与实用性特征,外交言语与外交行为间既有一致之处又有背离之时 。综合温特提出的物质主义与理念主义因素,通过分析俄乌冲突中日本对俄外交言行,得出结论如下:物质主义因素与理念主义因素共同决定日本国家利益认知,包括经济财富利益认知和集体自尊利益认知,两项利益认知存在冲突与否决定日本外交言行一致还是背离。当两项利益认知一致,或不一致但物质主义因素并非直接关系国家安全时,日本对俄外交保持言行一致。当两项利益认知发生冲突,且物质主义因素直接关系国家安全时,日本对俄外交言行发生背离。鉴于此,中国在与日本交往中,不仅要“听其言”,更应该“观其行”,观察其外交言行的内在逻辑,才能洞彻日本外交的真实诉求。

关键词: 俄乌冲突, 日俄关系, 日本外交, 言行一致, 言行背离

Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of Japans diplomatic approach towards Russia during the RussianUkrainian conflict, which reflects the contradictory and pragmatic characteristics inherent in Japanese diplomacy. By integrating materialistic and idealistic factors proposed by Wendt, this study examines Japans diplomatic language and actions. The findings indicate that Japans cognition of national interests, encompassing economic wealth and selfesteem, is jointly determined by materialistic and idealistic factors, thereby influencing the consistency or inconsistency between Japans diplomatic language and actions. When materialistic and idealistic factors have the same influence on the cognition of national interests, or when they are inconsistent but materialistic factors are not directly related to national security, Japan maintains consistency between diplomatic language and actions. However, when materialistic and idealistic factors clash in their influence on the cognition of national interests, particularly when materialistic factors directly relate to national security, Japan reveals incongruity between its diplomatic language and actions. In light of this, China should not only “heed its words” but also “observe its actions” closely, scrutinizing the underlying logic behind Japans diplomatic language and actions in order to discern the true intentions behind Japans diplomacy.

Key words: RussiaUkraine conflict, Japan-Russia relations, Japanese diplomacy, consistency between diplomatic language and actions, inconsistency between diplomatic language and actions
