日本问题研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 1-13.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.001

• 政治研究 •    下一篇



  1. 外交学院 国际关系研究所, 北京〓100037
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-01 出版日期:2021-06-25 发布日期:2021-09-03

What Affects the Long-Term Governance of Suga Yoshihide

ZHOU Yong-sheng   

  1. Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, 100000, China
  • Received:2021-05-01 Online:2021-06-25 Published:2021-09-03

摘要: 菅义伟能否成为一个长期执政的首相?必须从影响菅义伟内阁执政的若干要素着手加以分析,进而研究这些要素对菅义伟内阁执政的影响。学术会议事件,菅义伟政府粗暴干涉学术自由,在日本知识界和知识分子的心中留下长期的阴影,将要长期发挥对菅义伟内阁不利的影响。疫情层面,由于疫情本身的多变性和复杂性,就目前来看,还难以做出对菅义伟能否长期执政影响的明确判断。但在大概率上,的确让人感到不容乐观。经济层面,随着美国和欧洲疫苗的普遍接种,发达国家经济将可能普遍获得增长。如此也有利于带动日本经济的增长。这样可以多多少少给菅义伟的执政带来经济成果,有利于提升他的民众支持度。就日本目前国内政局而言,由于菅义伟内阁的民调支持率一直维持较高水平,又得到日本自民党主流派系的支持,暂时还没有人能够撼动菅义伟的首相宝座。菅义伟的外交成绩也算是起到了对菅义伟执政加分的作用。菅义伟政权还比较稳定。有可能会成为一个超过一年、任期可能达到两年左右长期执政的首相与内阁。

关键词: 菅义伟, 疫情防范, 日本内政, 日本外交, 东京奥运会

Abstract: Can Suga Yoshihide be a long-term Prime Minister? It must be analyzed from various factors which have impacts on the Suga Yoshihide Cabinet in power. The issue of science council is an example in which the Suga government grossly interfered with academic freedom. It cast a shadow on Japanese intelligentsia and intellectuals and also has an extended negative effect on the Suga Cabinet. In terms of COVID-19, due to the variability and complexity of the epidemic itself, it is difficult to make an accurate judgement whether Suga can stay in power for a long time. However, the predicted result is most likely negative. At the economic level, the economy of Japan will be driven by other developed countries, because with the widespread vaccination in the US and Europe, it is possible for the developed countries to achieve herd immunity first. This could help Suga government in one way or another to make some economic achievements and gain more public support.As for domestic politics of Japan, the status of Suga as a Prime Minister is relatively stabilized because his approval rating is relatively high and he gets support from the mainstream of Japans Liberal Democratic Party. Besides, Sugas achievements on foreign affairs have positive influence on his government. So the government of Suga is relatively stabilized and it is possible that he will be in power for around two years rather than the temperate term of less than one year.

Key words: Suga Yoshihide, Covid-19 prevention, domestic politics of Japan, Japan foreign affairs, Tokyo Olympics
