日本问题研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 73-80.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.03.010

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  1. 南京师范大学 文学院,江苏 南京 210042
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-06 出版日期:2007-06-25 发布日期:2007-06-25
  • 作者简介:雷芳(1985—),女,重庆开县人,在读博士,讲师。主要从事日本物哀美学的研究。

Tanizaki Ichiro’s Inheritance and Development of Japanese Traditional Mononoaware Beauty

LEI Fang   

  1. College of Liberal Art, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210042, China
  • Received:2016-12-06 Online:2007-06-25 Published:2007-06-25

摘要: 谷崎润一郎身为日本唯美派文学大师,经历了早期从嗜虐与受虐中寻求痛切快感的一系列尝试后,中后期转向探索日本古典美和东方古典美。他耗尽十年心血翻译古典名著《源氏物语》,沉浸于传统物哀的美学世界中,由此其大作《细雪》诞生。谷崎通过《细雪》继承并拓展了传统物哀美。没落贵族的悲凉,女性命运的不济,睹物伤怀的自然风情,无一不传承着平安时代的物哀美意识。同时,沿着情趣和构造的角度拓展了物哀美,创造了如艺术品一般外柔内刚的永恒女性并将其当作物哀美理念的感性显现;以生活定式的方式描写赏樱等活动,时间感、季节感以及希冀抵达古人审美境界的情愫凝结为程式化情趣,呈现为物哀美于现代的新面貌;发掘并拓展了物哀美的感受空间——阴翳,在明暗对比的幽暗世界中,交织着虚幻感、朦胧感和柔和感。

关键词: 物哀, 《细雪》, 永恒的女性, 程式化趣味, 阴翳空间

Abstract: As a master of Japanese aesthetics literature, Tanizaki Junichiro experienced a series of early attempts to find pain and pleasure from abusing and being abused, and later turned to the study on the Japanese classical and oriental classical beauty. He exhausted ten years of efforts to translate the classical masterpiece Genjimonogatari, immersed in the aesthetics world of traditional mononoaware beauty, thus its masterpiece Sazameyuki was born. Tanzaki inherited and extended the beauty of traditional mononoaware beauty through Sazameyuki. The sadness of declining aristocracy, the bad fate of women, and the natural mood of watching the material nature and feeling hurt, all inherited the consciousness of mononoaware beauty in Heian era. At the same time, he also expanded the mononoaware beauty in the funny and constructional way. He created the eternal female who are of tender fortitude also as the sensibility of mononoaware concept. He described the Sakura viewing and other activities in the way of life formulary. The sense of time and season, and the mood of hoping to reach the ancient aesthetic realm were condensed into a stylized taste, and was showed as the new look of modern mononoaware beauty. He also excavated and expanded the space of the sensuous space of the mononoaware beautythe shade, which interweaved illusory, hazy and soft feelings in the dark world of contrasting light and darkness.

Key words: mononoaware, Sazameyuki, eternal female, stylized fun, shade space
