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    25 October 2019, Volume 33 Issue 5
    Original Paper
    An Analysis of the Relationship Between Shinto and Buddhism in Japan from the Perspective of Mutual Learning
    NIU Jian-ke
    2019, 33(5):  2-8.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.001
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    The relationship between Shinto and Buddhism is crucial for a deep understanding of the history of religion and the history of religious thought in Japan. From the perspective of “mutual recognition of aliens” and “mutual construction of consubstantiality”, this paper seeks to systematically analyze the relationship between Shinto and Buddhism before modern Japan so as to reveal the important role exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations have played during the development of civilization or cultural advancement.
    Suika Shinto’s Theory on Relationship Between Shinto and Buddhism ——Focusing on View of Life and Death
    WAN Li-li, LIU Yue-bing
    2019, 33(5):  9-14.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.002
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    Suika Shinto is the synthesis of contemporary Shinto theory which believes in the harmony of Shinto and Confucianism. How to interprete the relationship between Shinto and Buddhism in Suika Shinto is vital to understand the relationship between contemporary Shinto and Buddhism in the earlier period along the development of contemporary Shinto and Buddhism. Heresies Refuted by Yamazaki Ansai, Shintos Life and Death Theory and AntiBuddhism Theory written by his student Atobe Yoshiakira, Shinto Nakanoshimizu by Tomobe Yasutaka, Shinto Doctrine by Wakabayashi Kyosai are the most suitable texts mainly focused on the view on life and death to analyze the most suitable texts mainly focused on the view on life and death to analyze the critics surrounding on Buddisms view on death and rebirth and illustrate how did they form and build up Hinowakamiyas view on life and death.
    Hirata Atsutanes Theories of the Relationship Between Shinto and Buddhism: Focusing on the AntiBuddhism Theories
    TANG Xiao-li
    2019, 33(5):  15-24.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.003
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    In Edo era, Buddhism gained dominance over Shinto and Christianity due to the control of religion by Tokugawa Shougunate. However, as economy and culture developed, Confucianism and Kokugaku would later rise to challenge the dominance of Buddhism. Part of these challenges manifest as antiBuddhism thoughts, in which the Kokugakubased branch is represented by Hirata Atsutane. Hirata Atsutane gained the Buddhism historical knowledge for his antiBuddhism theories from the Daijo Hibussetsu (“Mahayana is not the teaching of the Buddha”) Theory in Tominaga Nakamotos Shutsujyoukougo. He then developed his own Kokugakubased anti-Buddhism theories from a Fukko Shinto viewpoint via the addition of Shinto values in his Buddhism criticism book, Shutsujyoushougo.
    An Analysis of the Disputes Between Shinto and Buddhism in the Campaign of Cultivating Citizens in the Early Meiji Period ——Focusing on the “ Three Criteria”
    QIN Lianxing1,2
    2019, 33(5):  25-34.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.004
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    In the early Meiji period, the government carried out the campaign of citizenscultivation, which was jointly undertaken by Shinto and Buddhism, so that it could control its people spiritually. During this period, disputes over the “Three Criteria” of disseminating “ doctrines ” arose between the two sides. These disputes led to not only the failure of the campaign, but also the dissociation of the religious characteristics, making Shinto “nonreligious”, which means the theory of “Shinto cannot be classified as traditional religions ” was formed. Furthermore, this theory also heralded the direction of Shinto and opened the way for the establishment of the Kokkashinto with “nonreligious” characteristics.
    Japan’s AntiTerrorism: Underlying Purpose and Challenges
    PANG Zhong-peng
    2019, 33(5):  35-46.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.005
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    In recent years, cases of overseas Japanese being kidnapped and killed by extremist terrorist organizations have occurred frequently, and overseas Japanese and Japanese companies investing overseas are facing a severe security test. To this end , the Japanese government has to seriously deal with the harassment of terrorism and increase the intensity of international counterterrorism cooperation. At present, Japan focuses on multilateral, regional and bilateral aspects of international antiterrorism cooperation. Japan vigorously carries out international antiterrorism cooperation, with its deep-seated purposes, mainly including finding legitimate reasons for amending the Constitution at home and sending troops overseas; taking the opportunity to expand Japans marine geopolitical influence; ensuring Japans energ security; and providing security guarantees for the successful hosting of the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. Japans international antiterrorism cooperation inevitably has its limitations due to its serious “closeness to the United States”. Japan does not have its own counterterrorism strategy, and will face more and more serious counterterrorism problems and challenges in the future.
    International InputOutput Table and JapanChina Trade Structure
    2019, 33(5):  47-56.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.006
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    As the fragmentation of international production has progressed, the total trade calculation system based on crossborder trade has not been able to reflect the reality of economic activities and the trade statistics based on added value were created. The International InputOutput table is an essential tool for valueadded trade statistics. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the major InterCountry InputOutput databases and their Implications, analyze the characteristics of the trade structure and electronic optical equipment between Japan and China by inputoutput table of Japan and China, and finally, prospect other application trends of the international input output table.
    One Village One Product Movement from Japan to the World: Implications for Rural Revitalization in China
    ZHANG Jing
    2019, 33(5):  57-66.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.007
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    The One Village One Product (OVOP) movement in Japan lasted for half a century, and has influenced more than one hundred countries around the world. Those successful experiments have a cerain reference value for Chinas implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. In Japans OVOP movement, theory research and practice exploration are parallel and complementary, and human cultivation and revitalization are its core and soul. Drawing on the gains and losses of Japan and Chinas One village and One Product movement, China needs to construct a theoretical system of rural rejuvenation with Chinese characteristics in the rural revitalization and construction. In practice, China should center around “spiritual rejuvenation and innovation of human beings”, with the prosperity of the industry as a breakthrough, ultimately achieving simultaneous, harmonious, and sustainable development of nature, people, society, urban and rural areas. To achieve this goal, the construction of rural revitalization theory is the premise, industrial prosperity is the foundation, the integration of urban and rural development is the core, optimizing education to achieve the revitalization of agricultural and rural culture is the key, perfecting the mechanism to achieve comprehensive social development is the guarantee, and international cooperation is the necessary supplement.
    The Supply of Northeast Asia Marine Environment Public Goods: Theory, StatusQuo and the Future
    LIANG Yun-xiang, ZHANG Jia-wei, WU Huan-qiong
    2019, 33(5):  67-73.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.008
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    As the American hegemony declines, globalization and regional integration have gained momentum, and international regimes of different levels have undertaken the main responsibility of supplying the global public goods. Regional public goods, as a supplement to global public goods in the region, plays an Important role. It either competes with global public goods or complements it. In terms of Northeast Asia marine environment governance, the two regimes have some differences in principles and norms. In this sense, the supply of public goods tends to follow a pathway in which the two levels of governance complement each other. In this mutually complementary multi-level way of supply, under the principles of correspondence and subsidiarity, the two different regimes interact in a positive way, which could be regarded as an effective method to tackle the inefficiency of public goods supply.
    International Operation of Think Tanks: Japanese Experiences and Implication for China
    HU Wei
    2019, 33(5):  74-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2019.05.009
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    International exchange and cooperation is an important way for think tanks to expand their international influence and play their role. As a pioneer in the construction of Asian think tanks, Japan has accumulated a lot of experience in the construction of international cooperation networks, the formulation of international rules and industry standards, the training and exchange of international talents, and has proved their effectiveness in practice. This paper summarizes the experiences from Japanese think tanks in terms of international communication and cooperation, and puts forward relevant policy suggestions for Chinas think tank construction.