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25 August 2019, Volume 33 Issue 4
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Original Paper
On the Influence of Unspoken Rules of Culture on Japanese Diplomatic Decisions
ZHANG Jian-li
2019, 33(4): 1-8. DOI:
(4821KB) (
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Every culture has its own interpersonal rules, explicit or latent. Explicit rules emphasize rationality and formal rules, but unspoken rules emphasize emotions, relationships and informal rules. As a kind of interpersonal rules, unspoken rules are also in essence rules of exchange. Social exchange behavior occurs not only between individuals, but also between various groups representing individuals. Countries are relatively large groups of humans. In fact, the socalled diplomatic behavior between countries is a human exchange behavior. The unspoken rules of interpersonal behavior will naturally affect the communication between groups and even between countries. For an anarchic international society, the influence of unspoken rules of culture on diplomatic behavior in different countries cannot be ignored. Japanese governments attitude towards “the Kono Statement” typically reflects the influence of Japanese unspoken rules of culture on its diplomatic decisions.
The Evolution of Japanese Nobility and Its Influence on National Character
LI Zhuo, WANG Fang
2019, 33(4): 9-18. DOI:
(6505KB) (
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In Japan, the nobility is not a historical concept given to the ancestors by later historians, but a specific social class that has existed from ancient times to the end of World War II. With the changes of the social environment, different kind of nobles controlled the center of the political arena in different historical periods. Based on a brief description of the scale, structure and characteristics of these nobilities in different historical periods, this paper analyzes the influence of the nobility tradition on Japanese nationality: the class supremacy, the emphasis on inheritance, and the dual personality of Japanese people.
On the Relationship Between Japanese Nationality and the Construction of “Maritime Empire”
CHEN Xiu-wu
2019, 33(4): 19-28. DOI:
(6425KB) (
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Focusing on Japans construction of “maritime empire” from 1905 to 1945 to analyze the role of Japanese nationality is one of the effective ways to rethink the Meiji Restoration. During the nearly eighty years from Meiji Restoration to Japans defeat, the concepts of “national prestige”, “Japanese superiority”, “eternal imperial family line”, and “sakura and samurai relations” were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. These concepts were internalized into Japanese daily ethics and became the propellant for the development of modern Japan. The same thing leads to both success and failure. This kind of national character brought impetus for the development of Japanese material civilization, but on the road to building the “maritime empire”, it brought Japan into the abyss. A calm analysis of Japanese nationality is still of practical significance to contemporary ChinaJapan relations.
“Becoming Civilized” Policy of Meiji Restoration in Japan and the Characteristics of National Civilization Construction
LI Shu-bei1,2
2019, 33(4): 29-35. DOI:
(4256KB) (
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As an actor, the state is composed of dominant “organizational body” and recessive “civilizational body”. During the Meiji period in Japan, the “becoming civilized” policy was one of the three basic national policies of Meiji Restoration, which is of great significance for Japans transforming toward the modern society. It has completely changed Japanese peoples consciousness and constructed the modern national civilization body, together with the “rich country, powerful army” and “industry breeding and business initiating” policies. Meiji Restoration and its “becoming civilized” policy have been studied extensively by many scholars from the perspective of history. This paper attempts to explore the “becoming civilized” policy and discuss the characteristics of constructing the civilizational body from psychoculturology, that is, the absolute superiority of “shinkoku” and “koukoku”, the sequence between countries, the illusion of feudal military capitalist country.
An Analysis of Contemporary Japanese Womens Concept of Marriage ——Examples from Three Japanese Film and Television Dramas in Recent Years “Establishing the State of Manzhouguo”
LIU Bing
2019, 33(4): 36-44. DOI:
(4355KB) (
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With the rapid development of Japanese economy and the increasing awareness of women, contemporary Japanese womens concept of marriage shows different characteristics from the past. More and more women get married late or even stay single, and extramarital affairs seem to be getting worse. In addition, the number of women in the workplace is increasing, and the conflict between family and career further aggragrates the trend of late marriage and nonmarriage. These phenomena are inextricably linked to the level of social and economic development and the historical and cultural traditions of Japan. They also reflect the changes in marriage concepts caused by Japanese womens selfawareness and increased sense of independence and the fact that peoples demand for the initial groups “family” function is increasingly focused on meeting highlevel emotional needs. In recent years, the three most popular Japanese film and television dramas “No Marriage”, “Day Yan”, and “Flower Core” reflect the current situation of contemporary Japanese womens marriage.
An Analysis of the Reiwa Period and Its Political Considerations
FENG Jing1,2
2019, 33(4): 45-51. DOI:
(3983KB) (
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The issue of the Japanese era name has been in the spotlight since Emperor Akihito announced his abdication. The announcement of Reiwa Period by Japanese government calmed speculation and ushered in a new era. According to official interpretation, “Reiwa” originated from the Japanese classic Manyoushu, which means “beautiful and harmonious”. However, interpretations and controversies have arisen around its origin and meaning. On the one hand, these comments reflect the changes of Japanese culture and social consciousness. At the same time they trigger people to think about Japans political considerations in choosing Reiwa as the name of the new era, as well as related political thinking and anxiety, and to look back on the impact of the problems left over from the Hirakawa era on the future direction of Japan.
Looking Back on “Heisei” 30 years: The Trend of Japans Fiscal Reform and Countermeasures in Japan
XU Yi-rui
2019, 33(4): 52-60. DOI:
(3946KB) (
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During the 30 years of the Heisei period, the economy of Japan stagnated, tax revenue slumped, and social security spending expanded rapidly. Since then, Japans fiscal situation became extremely serious, the proportion of deficit treasury bonds rose sharply, and the debt crisis became more prominent. Due to its abundant domestic savings, its external debt dependence ratio is low, and the national debt issued can be fully digested in the country. Although Japan did not have an immediate debt crisis similar to that of Greece and other countries, such financial management is clearly unsustainable. This article reviews the changes in the financial situations of Japan during the 30 years of Heisei, discusses several major fiscal reforms the Japanese government tried during this period, and looks into the new era of Reiwa from the perspective of finance.
An Analysis of Corporate Tax Reform and Economic Effects in Japan and Germany and Implications for China
LI Xiao-le 1, ZHANG Ji-feng 2
2019, 33(4): 61-72. DOI:
(7019KB) (
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Influenced by Japans eagerness to get rid of the deflation quagmire, the goal of reestablishing a strong Japanese economy and the global demonstration effect of the new round of tax reform under the Trump administration in the United States, the Abe regime launched a new round of corporate tax reform with the main content of reducing corporate tax rate and adjusting and expanding tax base. Based on a systematic review of the history of Japanese corporate tax reform after World War II, this article focuses on analyzing the current Abe regimes corporate tax reform policy orientation and economic effects. It also attempts to make an objective analysis and evaluation of the expected effects of tax reform, taking account of a series of Japanese longterm economic problems. Finally, based on Chinas national conditions, it puts forward some relevant policy recommendations for Chinas corporate tax reform.
The Asian Development Fund: Failure of Postwar Japans Construction of Regional Economic OrderThe Asian Development Fund: Failure of Postwar Japans Construction of Regional Economic Order ——Taking the Summit in National Capital Region as an Example
WEN Qian-xiao
2019, 33(4): 73-80. DOI:
(5303KB) (
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In late 1950s, Japan quicky rose after returing to the international community. The economy of Japan revived and entered the fast lane of rapid growth. The Kishis cabinet proposed the concept of “Asian Development Fund”, which aimed to set up a regional complementary economic order dominated by Japan through integrating the resources of Southeast Asia, the technology of Japan, and the capital of the United States. In the process of promoting this idea, Kishi identified Japan as “Asian leader”, and sought to win Southeast Asian countries trust by economic diplomacy and postwar compensation. Meanwhile, Kishi tried to persuade the United States to invest in the Asian Development Fund as a “senior partner” in the name of anticommunism and aiding Southeast Asia. However, this attempt failed due to the distrust of Southeast Asian countries and the United States.