日本问题研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 61-68.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.01.007

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  1. 中国社会科学院 日本研究所,北京 100007
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-06 出版日期:2018-02-25 发布日期:2018-02-25
  • 作者简介:张建立(1970—),男,内蒙古赤峰人,博士,中国社会科学院日本研究所文化研究室主任、研究员、博士生导师,主要从事日本文化、日本国民性研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Formation and Evolution of “The Tea Ceremony” in East Asian Context

ZHANG Jian-li   

  1. Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,100007,China
  • Received:2017-11-06 Online:2018-02-25 Published:2018-02-25

摘要: 在中日韩三国语言中,都存在着表记为“茶礼”这样一个词语。但是,不仅其读音各不相同,而且其含义亦明显各异。“以茶为祭”“以茶待客”“以茶为赠”既是东亚地区自古以来用茶为礼的主要形态,亦可谓东亚茶礼文化的一个共性特点。然而,微观细究则会发现,中国、朝鲜半岛和日本的三种茶礼主要形态间虽有着密切的承继关系,但每一茶礼形态的具体内容都存在着非常大的区别,尤其是在“以茶待客”这一茶礼形态方面,彼此更是有着本质性的差异。

关键词: 东亚, 茶礼, 形态, 演变, 多样性

Abstract: In Chinese,Japanese,and Korean,there is a word denoting“the tea cerenomy”.The words in the three languages differ not only in pronunciation,but also in connotation.Since ancient times,“tea as a sacrifice”,“tea for guests”,and“tea as a gift”are the three main forms of tea cerenomy in East Asia,which can be described as a common feature of East Asia tea culture.A detailed study reveals that,although there is a close relationship of inheritance,the three forms of tea ceremong in China,Japan and the Korean Peninsula differ greatly.Especially with“tea for guests”,there are fundamental differences.

Key words: East Asianthe, tea ceremony, form, evolution, diversity
