日本问题研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1-15.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2023.04.001

• 政治研究 •    



  1. 外交学院 国际关系研究所,北京 100037
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-17 发布日期:2023-12-07

The Foreign Policy of Japan's Yoshihide Suga Cabinet towards the Biden Administration of the United States

ZHOU Yongsheng, WANG Shan   

  1. Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, 100037, China
  • Received:2023-07-17 Published:2023-12-07

摘要: 作为日本在位时间最长的安倍晋三的接班人,菅义伟在国会施政演说当中表示:日美同盟是日本外交与安全的基石,也是印度—太平洋地区和国际社会自由、和平与繁荣的基础;日本将与总统当选人拜登就进一步加强日本与美国之间的团结奋斗;日美两国关系将继续在双边、国际、地区、人权领域进行政治关系的合作。菅义伟和拜登的执政理念和风格存在重要差别,但这并不会导致日美两国关系和政策上出现重大分歧和冲突,而恰恰容易形成两国关系和政策新的互补——由过去安倍政府在国际大格局和大政策上诱导特朗普政府,转为拜登政府领导日本等盟国,在世界范围内利用各种国际机构和国际体系,维护美国的价值观理念和国家利益,而日本菅义伟政府紧随其后,追随美国,实现本国利益。

关键词: 日美关系, 双边关系, 拜登内阁, 菅义伟内阁, 印太战略

Abstract: As the successor of Shinzo Abe, Japan's longestserving prime minister, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in his congressional policy address that the JapanUS alliance is the cornerstone of Japan's diplomacy and security. It is also the foundation of freedom, peace and prosperity in the IndoPacific region and the international community. Japan will work with Presidentelect Joe Biden to further strengthen solidarity between Japan and the United States. JapanUS relations will continue to cooperate in bilateral, international, regional, and human rights political relations. There are important differences in the governing ideas and styles between Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and President Biden, but this will not lead to major differences and conflicts in the relations and policies between Japan and the United States. It is easy to form a new complementarity of relations and policies between the two countries- from the Abe administration to induce the Trump administration in the international pattern and policies in the past, to the Biden administration to lead allies such as Japan, using various international institutions and systems around the world to safeguard the values and national interests of the United States, while the Japanese government of Yoshihide Suga followed the United States closely to realize its own national interests.

Key words: Japan-U.S.relations, bilateral relations, Biden Administration, Suga Cabinet, Indo-Pacific Strategy
