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    25 June 2021, Volume 35 Issue 3
    What Affects the Long-Term Governance of Suga Yoshihide
    ZHOU Yong-sheng
    2021, 35(3):  1-13.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.001
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    Can Suga Yoshihide be a long-term Prime Minister? It must be analyzed from various factors which have impacts on the Suga Yoshihide Cabinet in power. The issue of science council is an example in which the Suga government grossly interfered with academic freedom. It cast a shadow on Japanese intelligentsia and intellectuals and also has an extended negative effect on the Suga Cabinet. In terms of COVID-19, due to the variability and complexity of the epidemic itself, it is difficult to make an accurate judgement whether Suga can stay in power for a long time. However, the predicted result is most likely negative. At the economic level, the economy of Japan will be driven by other developed countries, because with the widespread vaccination in the US and Europe, it is possible for the developed countries to achieve herd immunity first. This could help Suga government in one way or another to make some economic achievements and gain more public support.As for domestic politics of Japan, the status of Suga as a Prime Minister is relatively stabilized because his approval rating is relatively high and he gets support from the mainstream of Japans Liberal Democratic Party. Besides, Sugas achievements on foreign affairs have positive influence on his government. So the government of Suga is relatively stabilized and it is possible that he will be in power for around two years rather than the temperate term of less than one year.
    Construction of the Standard Job Execution and Governance Capacity of Japanese National Civil Service
    BAI Zhi-li,ZOU Yun-jin
    2021, 35(3):  14-24.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.002
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    In response to changes in the times and the economic and social environment, Japan has established the basic norms for civil servants which “put the nation first”, and the basic professional competencies for civil servants that are politically neutral, fair and impartial in administration. Based on the values of democracy and efficiency, the core and fundamental elements of the national civil service capacity construction in Japan are the development of the so-called “standard job performance capabilities”and the improvement of personnel administration to meet the changes in administrative needs. Civil service capacity construction is regarded as fundamental in civil service, and has been applied to many civil service management policies. Based on the analysis of the development and current practice of civil service capacity construction in Japan, this paper summarizes the general characteristics and system framework of the national civil service governance capacity in Japan, and further analyzes its future development trend to provide reference for the reform and development in China.
    The Influence of the Japan-Europe EPA on Chinas Acquisition of the Dominant Right in the Reconstruction of International Economic and Trade Rules
    SUN Li,GUAN Ying-hui
    2021, 35(3):  25-35.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.003
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    The establishment of EPA is the integration of individual strategic demands and common strategy of Europe and Japan in this current complex international situation. Its influence goes far beyond the scope of the bilateral relations at present. It not only can bring huge economic and political interests to both sides,but also can influence stakeholders,WTO reforms as well as the reconstruction of international economic and trade rules.Among these impacts, the setting of high-standard template in economic and trade rules by EPA will bring huge pressure on China in gaining more dominance during the reconstruction of international economic and trade rules.Therefore, we must pay great attention to it and take effective measures to deal with it.
    Negotiation Process, Main Contents, and Characteristics of EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
    YU Zi-han
    2021, 35(3):  36-47.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.004
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    The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA)has officially taken effect in 2019, exerting great influence on the global economic environment and international trade practices. Using interview and news reports, this pater has sorted out the negotiation process between the two parties and divided it into five stages, namely folk proposal, official consultation, the beginning, stagnation, and completion of negotiations. It outlines the areas of goods trade, service trade, and trade rules in the agreement text, and compares it with other agreements signed by Japan, and concludes that the EU-Japan EPA is characterized by distinctive EU characteristics, high standards, large Japanese concessions, and a high degree of liberalization, and the negotiation process is greatly influenced by the United States.EPA is a crucial part of trade policies in the period of Abe administration. Using EPA as a case to analyze the changes and demands of Japan in the field of trade policies has important implications for China-Japan trade cooperation and exchanges and the signing of the China-Japan-ROK FTA.
    Institutional Spiral and Institutional Expansion: The Trend of the Reform from the End of the Shogunate to the Early Stage of Meiji Restoration
    ZHENG Peng
    2021, 35(3):  48-57.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.005
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    During the 14 years from 1854 to 1867, the Tokugawa Shogunate launched three reforms in succession. In response to the many difficulties faced by Japan's founding, it launched a comprehensive reform. However, the more reform it accomplished, the more passive it became. Finally, it fell into the institutional spiral and ended up with the failure of reform and the change of regime. However, the early Meiji reform led by the Meiji new government in 1868—1881, which also addressed the old problem of saving the nation from subjugation, led the reform and self-improvement of old Japan, realized the modern national transformation, and embarked on the road of emerging capitalist countries. The reason for this reflects that the reforms of the early Meiji Restoration, compared with the end of the shogunate reforms, have an upward trend in institutional arrangements and expansion, reform ideas and models, and the simultaneous evolution of the country and society.
    The Policy Ideas of “Restraining Commerce” of Ogyu Sorai in Middle Edo Period ——A Study from the Perspective of Samurai Consumption
    LIN Tong-wei
    2021, 35(3):  58-64.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.006
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    Ogyu Sorai was a typical scholar who put forward the idea of “restraining commerce” in the Edo period in Japan.One of his purposes in proposing policies such as“Samurai Returning to Agriculture” and “Hierarchical Consumption” was to free the samurai class from the quagmire of the urban economy.However, from the perspective of samurai consumption, he still tolerated the production and exchange of commodities to a certain extent in the actual narrative of the “restraining commerce” policy.He put forward “special restraining commerce” theory, which not only began to adjust the traditional economic thoughts, but also provided a theoretical space for the sprout of the mercantile thinking.
    A Study On the New Female Image In the Series of Games Legend of Heroes-Trails of Cold Steel
    ZHOU Yun
    2021, 35(3):  65-74.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.007
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    Legend of Heroes-Trails of Cold Steel is a representative work of Japanese style role-playing games. As the name suggests, the game takes the fictional European continent in the middle ages as the stage and depicts the growth path of the hero. The new female, which is quite different from the traditional feminine image, constitutes a part of the female group in the game. In order to reveal the deep creative thoughts of the heroine image contained in the works, this paper takes the series of games of Legend of Heroe-Trails of Cold Steel as the cultural text, and analyzes the typical female images in the series by using the method of Japanese ideological history, taking the female swordsman, saint, maid and female teacher as the objects of analysis. Through this analysis and interpretation, we can not only reveal the deep thoughts of Japanese games from the ideological level, clarify the unique cultural orientation of Japanese style role-playing games, but also provide a new perspective for the creation and research of Chinese games.
    Research on Social Service of Artificial Intelligence Art in Japan
    XU Ting
    2021, 35(3):  75-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.03.008
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    This paper focuses on the concept of artificial intelligence art, which has different meanings to different scholars in the world. It summarizes the development of artificial intelligence art in Japan. Artificial intelligence art is a combination of artificial intelligence and art, which includes virtual reality art, robots, and big data.The development of Japanese intelligent art is leading in the world. We explain some major cases of Japanese artificial intelligence art and explore the service of Japanese artificial intelligence art in different fields of society. Successful cases of the development of artificial intelligence art and social service application in Japan are worthy of our study and reflection, and have implications for the current development of artificial intelligence art in China.The social service exploration of Japanese artificial intelligence art will have a positive impact on the development of artificial intelligence art in China and in the world.