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    25 April 2021, Volume 35 Issue 2
    Crop Science
    Development and Social Impacts of Faction Politics in Japan
    HUANG Guan
    2021, 35(2):  1-8.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.001
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    As one of the widely-known characteristics of Japanese politics, the developmental process of faction has seldom been carefully reviewed. A comprehensive and indepth exploration of the mechanism of its emergence and change is a topic rarely touched by domestic academic circles. In order to expose the reason of appearance and development of faction politics in Japan and find the general rule dictating the development, this paper discusses the decisive impacts of political power structure, distribution of voters, party system, especially the election system design, in the birthing and development of faction politics, by reviewing the modification of factions and connecting the development of factions with Japanese politics in different periods. Finally, the social impacts of faction politics has also been summarized.
    The Creation and Operation of the Senate under the Politics of “Public Opinion” in Modern Japan
    ZHANG Yong-qing
    2021, 35(2):  9-16.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.002
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    In the process of Japan's modernization and transformation,“public opinion”became the banner of political power construction by various political subjects in society. The new Meiji regime repeatedly advocated the establishment of “public opinion” politics, and tried to establish public councils such as assembly house and congress. Among them, the Senate had the longest existence and played the most obvious role. The Senate is the product of the government's efforts to calm public opinion and pursue political balance. Its birth originated from the temporary bridging of differences between the ruling groups in political modernization since the Meiji Restoration. Therefore, it is regulated by the government in terms of authority. Members of the Senate play an active role within the framework of the political system, trying to make the Senate meeting become a key link in the Japanese legislative process. The Senate had a long-term game with the government in the process of exercising legislative power and constitutional power, and the interactive mode of the two has profoundly affected the form of Japanese constitutional construction. The government's suppression of parliaments under the leadership of executive power can be regarded as a preview of the constitutional transformation of modern Eastern countries.
    Research on the Core Factors and Countermeasures of SinoJapanese Intra Industry Trade Imbalance in Tourism Services: Based on the Perspective of Grey Correlation Analysis
    JIN Ren-shu,LU Ya-fu
    2021, 35(2):  17-30.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.003
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    In recent years, China's trade deficit in tourism services to Japan has continued to expand, and the sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic makes the bilateral trade in tourism services even worse. In the post epidemic era, promoting Sino-Japanese tourism service trade and strengthening Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation is particularly important. Based on the current situation and characteristics of tourism trade between China and Japan after the 21st century, combined with trade theory and grey correlation analysis method, this paper focuses on the motivation and influencing factors of the formation of Sino-Japanese tourism service intra industry trade. It is believed that the Sino-Japanese tourism service trade under the guidance of overlapping demand has experienced the development stage of “from inter industry to intra industry to inter industry”, showing that China's deficit continues to expand. The differences of international tourism market scale, market opening, and residents' income level between China and Japan are the three core factors leading to the imbalance of intra industry trade level of tourism services between the two countries. Obviously, in the post epidemic era, China urgently needs to improve the quality of tourism services, reduce the barriers to trade in services, establish new advantages of domestic tourism, and enhance the level of intra industry trade in tourism services between China and Japan.
    Research on the Deep Transformation of East Asian Regional Economic Cooperation and the Deepening of China
    MA Xueli,LI Su
    2021, 35(2):  31-40.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.004
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    Before the outbreak of COVID19, East Asian regional economic cooperation has begun the transformation from “East Asia” cooperation to “PanEast Asia” cooperation, from “shallow integration” to “deep integration”, and from “ASEAN dominance” to the weakening of ASEANs position. COVID19 has not only changed the external environment for the development of East Asia, but also changed the mode of interaction among countries in the region, thus accelerating the transformation process of East Asian regional economic cooperation. In order to achieve economic recovery in East Asia as soon as possible, stabilize and upgrade East Asian production networks, and respond to global market risks, China and Japan should deepen economic and trade cooperation. However, Japans continuously strengthening “dualface” policy toward China has become a major constraint to the deepening of cooperation between the two countries. Under the premise of considering both the necessity and the constraints of cooperation, China and Japan should further expand the intersection of interests and fully tap the potential of cooperation in the areas of ChinaJapanKorea FTA negotiations, digital economic cooperation, and thirdparty market cooperation.
    A Review of Studies on Japanese Culture in China since 1980s Mainstream Media in the Context of International Change
    ZHANG Jian-li
    2021, 35(2):  41-50.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.005
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    Since the 1980s, the study of Japanese culture in China has been characterized by the coexistence of the description of cultural phenomena and the interpretation of meaning, the macro system studies revealing common laws, and the fragmentation studies pursuing the description of individual details. The increasing social demand for the transformation of basic research achievements on Japanese culture into think tank achievements places greater demands on researchers to accurately analyze Japanese culture based on the reality of China and Japan, with a global perspective. The exploration of interdisciplinary research methods of Japanese culture will more effectively promote the deepening and expansion of research on Japanese culture in China.
    History and Practice of Sino
    REN Ming-shuo, LI Wei
    2021, 35(2):  51-59.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.006
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    Upon the basis of records,which are well preserved in National Library of China, with handwriting description of SinoJapanese publications exchange history, this paper sorts out the time sequence, publication types, and representative book collection institutions. According to the information on records, it concludes that the exchange publications in around 50 years mainly include four kinds of literature resources, such as national condition materials, Sinology writings, science and technology documents, and Maoism works. Taking the normalization of diplomatic relations as a turning point, this paper analyzes the main characteristics of publication exchange history in two stages, and discusses the significance of publication exchange in specific historical periods.
    Relationship between Japan and France at the End of Tokugawa Period
    ZHANG Lan-xing
    2021, 35(2):  60-71.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.007
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    In Tokugawa Shogunate period, Japan just kept commercial relationship with the Netherlands, and they seldom had contact with other western countries. So, when French ships appeared on the sea around Japan, the rulers of Tokugawa shogunate were surprised. To Japan, France has always wanted to show its status as a European power and display its image as a military power, but in reality France always followed the steps of Britain and the United States, and signed the treaty with Japan relatively late. In developing relationship with Japan, the French once chose to support the feudal Tokugawa Shogunate in order to win more rights and exclude British and American forces. However, due to the constraints of various factors among Japan, Britain, and France, not only did the relationship between France and Tokugawa Shogunate fail to achieve a winwin situation, it was on the contrary gradually declining.
    JapaneseEarlySocialistMovementandBuddhism: Centeredonthe“DaiGyakuJiKen”
    KUANG Ling
    2021, 35(2):  72-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.02.008
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    The “DaiGyakuJiKen” was a typical case in which the Japanese government used the power of the state to oppress the anti-establishment forces. It also reflected the upsurge of the socialist movement in Japan at that time and the extensive influence of socialist ideology on various social strata in Japan. From the perspective of the formation mechanism of Buddhist socialists in this event, the similarity between socialist ideals and Buddhist teachings in some aspects is an important reason for Buddhists to get close to socialism, but their recognition and participation in socialist revolutionary movement are restricted by many factors, such as economic and social status and sectarian thinking. On the other hand, after this event, the Japanese Buddhist order moved closer to the regime, and the Meiji government strengthened the use of the Buddhist order.