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25 August 2021, Volume 35 Issue 4
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World Changes Accelerated by the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Impacts upon Sino-Japanese Relations
JIANG Rui-ping
2021, 35(4): 1-10. DOI:
(585KB) (
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Under two interrelated themes of “world changes and Sino-Japanese relations” and “world changes and the COVID-19 pandemic”, this paper analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated worldchanges and impacted Sino-Japanese relations. When the world changes met the catastrophic pandemic of this century, their leading trends have been further accelerated, and profoundly impacted the new type of Sino-Japanese relations, which have just been promoted and formed “in accordance with needs of the New Era” since June 2019. These impacts are concentrated in four aspects: new opportunities provided by the rapid rise of emerging markets, new challenges posed by the sharply adjusting balance of major powers, new space of growth created by global economy moving eastward, and new demands sparked by the accelerating transformation of the global governance system.
The Evolution of the Relationship Between Financial Regulation and Competition in Japanese Financial Sector
PEI Gui-fen
2021, 35(4): 11-21. DOI:
(645KB) (
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Economic regulation and antitrust policy are the main content of regulatory economics. In the economic policy, it is reflected in the relationship between industrial policy and competition policy, while in the financial sactor,it is the relationship between financial regulation and competition regulation. In the early postwar period, Japan formed a strict framework of antirust and regulation under the General Headquarters(GHQ). With the change in the U.S. policy towards Japan, there has been a situation for a long time in the financial sector where the competition authorities faded out and the regulatory authorities dominated. Since the 1970s, Japanese regulatory authorities have gradually relaxed the regulation of competition restrictions and promoted the competition in the financial sector.Especially under strong pressure from US in the period of Japan-US trade friction, a cooperative pattern of regulatory authorities and competition authority has to be formed with the same goal of financial stability. In spite of EU and US strengthening regulation and antitrust policy after the global financial crisis, Japanese government took no special measures in this period but established a new harmonious system between regulation and antitrust policy with the common goal of stimulating the vitality of financial institutions recently.
The Impact of the Tariff Reduction Schedule in Japan-EU EPA on China-Japan and China-EU in Goods ——Based on the Analysis of GTAP Model
MA Wen-xiu,WANG Xi-mo
2021, 35(4): 22-36. DOI:
(1223KB) (
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Japan and the European Union are important trading partners of China. Japan-Europe EPA will have a great impact on Sino-Japanese and Sino-European trade in goods. The evaluation results of GTAP model show that tariff reductions between Japan and Europe will worsen Chinas terms of trade. Chinas import from and export to Japan will decrease significantly; Chinas exports to the EU will increase while Chinas imports from the EU will decline. The heterogeneity of the impacts on different industries is obvious. Chinas live animals and animal products, leather products, and textiles exports to Japan will significantly decline while exports to the EU will increase. Chinas exports of mechanical and electrical products,automobiles, and transportation equipment to Japan will increase while exports to the EU will decrease. Chinas imports of mechanical and electrical products,automobiles and transportation equipment, chemical rubber products, and metals and metal products from Japan and the EU will decline significantly,especially imports of mechanical and electrical products. In response to this, China urgently needs to promote the diversification of export market and import sources, strengthen the construction of early warning mechanisms for key import industries, enhance the international competitiveness of export products, and accelerate the establishment of free trade zones.
Japans Top-Level Designs for Avoiding the Shift from Oil Crisis to Social Crisis ——An Analysis Based on Psychological Transmission Path
YIN Xiao-liang
2021, 35(4): 37-44. DOI:
(921KB) (
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There are two paths to the transmission of the oil crisis: entity path and psychological path. In terms of the entity path, it mainly presents the transmission way of “oil crisis-economic crisis-social crisis”; while from the psychological path, it is “oil crisis-psychological crisis-behavioral disorder-social disorder”. At the administrative level, Japan has designed and implemented the “New Energy Development Policy”, “Diversified Energy Import Policy”, “Energy Diversification Policy”, “Energy saving policy” and “oil storage policy” for the purpose of building a stable social “mental set” from different perspectives, such as weakening, avoiding, dispersing, diluting, and transferring. At the legal level, the “Oil 2 bills”(the “Oil Supply and Demand Rationalization Act”, the “Act on Emergency Measures for the Stabilization of National Life”, the “Oil Substitution Legislation”, the “Oil storage Legislation”, and the “Energy Conservation Act” and so on)have been designed from the perspectives of “long-term”, “mandatory”, “strategic” and “universal”. In addition, in order to implement the top-level policy system smoothly and effectively, Japan has accordingly designed incentive policies in funds, taxes, rewards and penalties. From empirical facts, the policy system and its interactive coupling at the administrative level, the legal level and the incentive level have laid a foundation for gradually forming a calm and orderly “psychological set” from different angles such as “stability”, “relief”, “ease” and “convenience”.
Research on the Impact of Japans ODA on the Economic Growth of Five Southeast Asian Countries
WU Yu,LU Yang
2021, 35(4): 45-55. DOI:
(1037KB) (
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After World War II, Japan joined the “Colombo Plan” and started its assistance to Southeast Asian countries in the form of quasi compensation. Throughout the post-war development of Southeast Asian countries, until the financial crisis in 1997, the economy basically maintained a rapid growth rate. This paper studies the influence mechanism of ODA on the economic growth of recipient countries from five aspects: material capital, human capital, trade opening, technological innovation, and organizational efficiency, and analyzes the actual effect of ODA on the economic growth of five Southeast Asian countries by using panel data fixed effect model. The research shows that Japans ODA is conducive to the economic growth of the recipient countries in the long run. The accumulation of material capital, the accumulation of human capital and the promotion of scientific and technological innovation ability all significantly promote economic growth. On the contrary, abundant resource endowments have become an obstacle to the economic growth of recipient countries. In addition, trade liberalization has a positive impact on the economic growth of recipient countries, which is in line with expectations, but fails to pass the significance test.
The Characteristics of Tea Ceremony and Its Role in Japanese Culture
CUI Shi-guang
2021, 35(4): 56-65. DOI:
(709KB) (
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Domestic research on Japanese tea ceremony culture seems to lack two perspectives, namely, the perspective of Japanese history and the perspective of the overall structure of Japanese culture. Tea ceremony was formed from the middle and late Muromachi period to the Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan. It is a product of troubled times and has an obvious tendency of seclusion. Tea ceremony has the characteristics of non-routine, sociability, etiquette, and spirituality. It occupies a non-mainstream position in the overall structure of Japanese culture. It is hard to call tea ceremony a representative of Japanese culture. It is also hard to say that “idle silence” and “dead silence” are the mainstream aesthetic consciousness of the Japanese. Nevertheless, tea ceremony still plays a special social role in Japanese social culture. The investigation of tea ceremony culture in this paper may have some enlightenment for the future study of Japanese culture.
On the Formation and Development of Japanese Samurai Society
2021, 35(4): 66-71. DOI:
(522KB) (
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From the beginning of Kamakura shogunate in 1192 to the end of Edo shogunate in 1867, Japan has been dominated by samurai, which established a unique social form of ancient Japanese society, the so-called Samurai Society. Samurai society not only provided soil for the reproduction and growth of Bushido, but also bred Japans unique spiritual culture. Until now, it has played an important role in Japanese society as well as Japanese behavior and thinking habits. Following the historical context, this paper linearly sorts and summarizes the emergence and development of Japanese Samurai society, and describes the basic characteristics and development law of Japanese Samurai society.
New Trends in Social Service in Japanese Colleges and Universities: Service-Learning Practice and Implications
XUE Guo-feng
2021, 35(4): 72-80. DOI:
(594KB) (
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In the 1990s, Japanese colleges and universities began to introduce the concept of service-learning from the United States, which brought new trends to the social service function of Japanese colleges and universities.On the basis of adhering to the understanding that service-learning is an activity connecting “community service” and “student learning”, Japanese colleges and universities carry out service-learning activities in various forms and design diversified projects for promotion, and at the same time establish clear and systematic service-learning organizational procedures.There are some obvious characteristics of service learning practice, such as the strong support and boost of the national education policy, attention to the change of the community, focus on mutually-pushed development of students ability and university education quality, parallel development of domestic and international service-learning activities, etc.It can provide useful implications for China in the innovation of social service in colleges and universities and effective advancement of service-learning.