日本问题研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1-20.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2024.06.001

• 政治研究 •    



  1. 辽宁大学 国际经济政治学院, 辽宁 沈阳〓110136
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-20 发布日期:2024-12-30
  • 通讯作者: 2024年度辽宁省教育厅高校基本科研项目“‘北约亚太化’演进、特征、影响与我国对策研究”(LJ112410140087);2024年度黑龙江省社科研究规划专项项目“日韩蒙与北约安全合作升级助推‘北约亚太化’对东北亚地区安全的影响研判与对策”;2022年度辽宁大学亚洲研究中心亚洲问题研究项目“拜登政府印太战略背景下的中日韩气候安全合作研究”(Y202202)

The Enhancement of Japans Regulatory Power in the Formulation of International Digital Trade Rules: Motivation, Practice, and Limitations

XIE Xiaoguang, HUANG Baoyi   

  1. School of International Economics and Politics, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110136, China
  • Received:2024-10-20 Published:2024-12-30

摘要: 全球数字治理碎片化趋势下,发达经济体争先抢占全球数字贸易规则制定权,国际数字贸易规则制定过程中的规则性权力成为大国竞争的关键场域。日本作为全球数字经济相对优势国家之一,出于实现“全面正常化”、重塑区域数字经贸规则、抢占大国数字博弈先机的历史、经济与政治三重动因,在数字时代下积极反应,在国际数字贸易规则的创设阶段不懈谋求规则性权力的提升。日本政府通过出台一系列服务国内电子商务产业的宏观国家战略、积极参与包含高标准数字贸易规则的自由贸易协定与主导推动多边电子商务谈判,以及对新兴经济体展开积极数字贸易合作与援助等方式,借区域性多边贸易协定与合作框架推广日本的数字贸易规则体系,在数字全球化的前30年里掌握了一定规则性权力。然而,随着数字经济全球化的深入发展,日本要提升其在国际数字贸易规则制定中的规则性权力仍面临着数字经济发展实力、数字经济发展能力与盟伴数字贸易合作关系三方面因素的限制。

关键词: 国际数字贸易规则, 日本数字经济, 规则性权力, 数字经济全球化, 全球数字治理

Abstract: Under the trend of fragmented global digital governance, developed economies are vying for the power to formulate global digital trade rules, and the regulatory power in the process of international digital trade rule making has become a key arena for great power competition. As one of the pioneering countries in the global digital economy, Japan, out of the historical, economic and political triple motivation of realizing“full normalization”, reshaping regional digital economic and trade rules, and seizing the opportunity in the digital game of great powers, has reacted positively in the digital era, and has been relentlessly pursuing the enhancement of the rule-based power in the stage of creation of international digital trade rules. The Japanese government has promoted Japans digital trade rule system through a series of macro national strategies serving the domestic e-commerce industry, actively participating in free trade agreements that include high standard digital trade rules, leading multilateral e-commerce negotiations, and actively engaging in digital trade cooperation and assistance to emerging economies. By Promoting its digital trade rules system through regional multilateral trade agreements and cooperation frameworks, Japan has achieved certain regulatory powers in the first thirty years of digital globalization. However, with the deepening of globalization of the digital economy, Japan still faces limitations in enhancing its regulatory power in international digital trade rule making due to three factors: its strength in digital economy development, its ability to develop the digital economy, and its partnership in digital trade cooperation.

Key words: international digital trade rules, Japanese digital economy, regulatory power, globalization of digital economy, global digital governance
