日本问题研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 13-23.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2023.01.002

• 历史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

日本江户后期人口增殖政策与思想 ——以水户藩为中心


  1. 南开大学 日本研究院,天津300071
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-15 发布日期:2023-05-04
  • 作者简介:费清波,女,南开大学日本研究院博士研究生,主要从事日本思想史、日本近世史研究。
  • 基金资助:

Policies and Thoughts on Population Increase in Late Tokugawa Japan ——Taking an Examination on Mito Domain

FEI Qingbo   

  1. Japan Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
  • Received:2022-10-15 Published:2023-05-04

摘要: 享保饥馑后至幕末期,日本全国多地受灾害疫病、堕胎溺婴、离农离村等因素影响出现了人口增长停滞现象。各藩为纾解由此引发的经济、政治困境而普遍开展育子改革,其中,水户藩在宽政·文化期及天保期,推出了育子救济、人口监管制及堕胎溺婴禁令。旨在促进人口增殖的论述亦以农本主义人口论为基础,随改革大势而发展。在遏制堕胎溺婴和挽救农业人口流失的过程中,水户学者的人口增殖论从依据仁政思想而对个体施加伦理教谕,整肃行政作风,发展为从农政论中汲取压抑离农离村现象的方策。最终在外患逼迫下,融入幕末的国家主义讨论语境,将人口当作维护藩国利益、保障国防安全的资源,将生育视为展现日本优越性的神之恩赐。其从私人化到公共化再至神圣化的演绎过程,不仅是江户后期内外环境变化下的产物,亦是近代战时生育动员理念之滥觞。

关键词: 江户后期, 人口增殖, 水户藩, 育子策, 人口思想

Abstract: During the period from the Kyōhō famine to the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, population growth stagnated in many areas of Japan due to disasters and epidemics, abortions and mabiki, and farmers quitting agriculture and leaving the countryside. To solve the economic and political difficulties caused by this, many domains carried out childcare reforms. During the KanseiBunka period and the Tenpō period, Mito Domain introduced childrearing relief, a population control system, and a ban against abortionmabiki. The discourse of population increase was also based on the population theory of agriculturalism, which developed with the reform. In the fight against abortionmabiki and in saving the loss of agricultural population, the Mito scholars theory was originally based on the idea of benevolent policy to impose ethical instructions on individuals and purge the administrative style, which was developed into a strategy to suppress leaving farmers from the agricultural political theory. Eventually, under the pressure of external threats, the theory is integrated into the context of nationalistic discussion. The population was regarded as an important resource to safeguard Japans interests, security, and superiority. This deduction is both a product of the changing diplomatic environment and the source of the modern wartime concept of fertility mobilization.

Key words: late Tokugawa Japan, population increase, Mito Domain, childcare policy, population thought
