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    25 June 2022, Volume 36 Issue 3
    Original Paper
    An Analysis of Abe Administration's Policy Towards the United States and Its Influence on Sino-Japanese Relations
    CHEN You-jun,WANG Xing-ao
    2022, 36(3):  1-17.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.001
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    During the Trump administration, through political, military and economic policy adjustments toward the US, Abe administration attempted to realize Abes personalized governing philosophy, hedge against the uncertainty of Trumps policies, and counterbalance the “security threats” from China and North Korea. Although both Japan and the US witnessed a change in leadership around 2021, the postAbe era will see a high degree of consensus between Japan and the US on the issue of counterbalancing China. Therefore, Kishida administration will basically continue the established course planned by the Abe administration, actively cooperating with the Biden administrations policy of counterbalancing China while further attempting to enhance Japans international political and economic status and strategic autonomy. As a result, the uncertainty of SinoJapanese relations will rise significantly in the future, and SinoJapanese relations may once again show a situation of “cold politics and cold economy”. In view of this, China needs to take active measures to properly handle its relations with Japan and the United States. coalition”. During the longterm independent ruling of the Liberal Democratic Party (1955 to 1993), the presidential election was conducted by faction. Factions were tools for presidential candidates to canvass votes or win the majority. It is an “abnormal state” for a nonfactional leader to serve as president—emergency temporary measures by the Liberal Democratic Party. Under the parallel electoral system of proportional representation in small electoral districts, the factional politics of the Liberal Democratic Party shows different characteristics from those under the electoral district system—the function of factions and their binding force are significantly weakened. Especially in the presidential election, the faction has been reduced from “the protagonist” to “a supporting role”. It has become a “new normal” for a nonfactional leader to become president, and a faction leader to become president is an anomaly. Regardless of the future development trend of LDP factional politics, its invariable logic is it is still governed by the rules of the invisible political game.
    Japan’s Health Diplomacy Towards Africa from the Japans Health Diplomacy Towards Africa from the Perspective of Non-Traditional Security
    WANG Yi-chen
    2022, 36(3):  18-26.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.002
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    Since Japan held the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development in 1993, especially since the TICAD6 was held in Africa for the first time in 2016, Japan has gradually increased its strategic emphasis on Africa from the perspective of “IndoPacific Strategy”. The sudden outbreak of COVID19 in 2020 interrupted Japans original agenda of cooperation with Africa but provided an important opportunity for Japan to carry out its antipandemic diplomacy with Africa. Since 2021, as a country with great influence in health care and foreign aid in the world, Japan has successively hosted the Global Vaccine Summit and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit, focusing on the nontraditional challenges which Africa is facing in the area of health, nutrition and COVID19 vaccines. Therefore Japan has continuously increased its ODA and carried out “health diplomacy” to Africa at both bilateral and multilateral levels to achieve its own strategic interests as well as paving the way for the TICAD8 to be held in 2022. From the perspective of nontraditional security, this paper starts with Japans antipandemic diplomacy with Africa by taking the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit and COVID19 vaccines assistance as clues, and focuses on sorting out the main trends in Japans diplomacy of health and vaccines to Africa as well as analyzes its strategic considerations and the development in the future.
    The Experience of Japans Dual Cycle Development Pattern and Its Implications for China of Carbon Emissions in Japan
    ZHANG Nai-li1,LI Ming-yang1,FENG Lu-yao2
    2022, 36(3):  27-38.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.003
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    After World War II, Japan established a dual cycle development pattern. It formed an internal cycle development pattern by increasing national income, improving supply quality, and expanding domestic demand, and formed an external cycle development pattern by developing import and export trade, foreign direct investment, and government development assistance. The internal and external circulation patterns have developed in coordination and linkage with each other, which has achieved an economic miracle of rapid growth. However, after the collapse of the bubble economy in 1990s, structural problems became prominent, the internal circulation was in a predicament, the dual cycle development pattern became unbalanced, and the depression lasted for three decades. There are many similarities between China and Japan in terms of economic development model. The success or failure of Japans dual cycle development pattern has important implications for China to build a new dual cycle development pattern. China should be very vigilant against the development of economic bubbles, promote supplyside reform and demandside management, properly handle the relationship between market and government, persist in deepening reform and expand opening to the outside world.
    The Structure of Japanese Industrial Policy Research and Its Implications for China
    SUN Xiao-dong
    2022, 36(3):  39-46.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.004
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    Japans industrial policy research has a dual structure. The surface structure focuses on whether industrial policy should be implemented, while the deep structure focuses on how to implement industrial policy. Under the background of the general implementation of industrial policy in the worlds major economies, the deep structural characteristics of Japanese industrial policy research have greater reference value for China. The study found that the deep structure of Japanese industrial policy research mainly revolves around the mode and logic of industrial administrative intervention. In addition to studying specific forms of industrial administrative intervention, it also deals with the concrete means of information exchange between government and enterprises, and the cohesion mechanism of two kinds of policy knowledge as well, which are related to the inner logic of industrial administration. To review and develop those undervalued studies will encourage further discussion on industrial administrative intervention in Chinese academia and help relevant policy organizations to improve policy practices.
    Female Metaphor in Japanese Literature and Its Social and Cultural Connotation ——From the Perspective of Cognitive Sociolinguistics in Modern Japanese Literature
    HAN Tao
    2022, 36(3):  47-54.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.005
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    With the rise of the second wave of feminism, gender studies have become a hot research topic. However, gender study from the perspective of cognitive sociolinguistics is still in its infancy. Therefore, it is a meaningful attempt to analyze the female metaphor and its social and cultural connotation in Japanese literature from this perspective. This study shows that, the female metaphors in Japanese literature mainly focus on four types: possession metaphor, commodity metaphor, plant metaphor and food metaphor. These metaphorical models are not only based on physical experience, but also closely related to sociocultural system. This paper holds that the social turn of cognitive linguistics is a major development trend in the future. By investigating specific metaphors, we can not only understand the social and cultural connotations hidden behind, but also provide a new research approach for cognitive sociolinguistics.
    The Strategy of “National Branding” in Japan Construction Path and Effect
    LIU Qing-mei
    2022, 36(3):  55-63.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.006
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    With the deepening of globalization, the strategy of “national branding” has become an important way for a country to present a good image and carry out public diplomacy. Since the beginning of the 21st century, in the process of constructing the strategy of “national branding”, the Japanese government has not only referred to the common practice in the international journalism and political circles to put forward the concept, but also considered the identity positioning of Japanese brands. Specifically, it can be summarized as the public and private sectors to jointly formulate the overall strategic framework, highlight the cultural characteristics of the brand and broaden the propaganda aperture through a variety of channels. As the strategy of “national branding” is a controversial and highly politicized activity, a more comprehensive view is also applied to evaluate the construction effect of Japan's strategy in addition to the international standard of NBI model data.
    The Influence of Daoism on Physicist Hideki Yukawa
    LU Gao-xue
    2022, 36(3):  64-71.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.007
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    Hideki Yukawa's scientific outlook and scientific thinking are deeply influenced by Taoism. Yukawa believes that Laozi's Taoism has a self-consistent, rationalistic characteristic, and infers from this that the development of science is a process in which old theories are constantly being replaced by new ones. Guided by Zhuangzi’s “Chaos” theory, Yukawa regards the world of elementary particles as a kind of chaotic state where existence and non-existence become more and more blurred. Inspired by the debate between Zhuangzi and Huishi on “the joy of fish”, Yukawa advocated that when reason is incapable, the creative power of intuition should be fully exerted. Inspired by Zhuangzi's theory of creation, Yukawa understood the laws of physics as “invisible molds”. Enlightened by the Taoist romantic view of time and space, Yukawa formed a poetic view of space. Under the influence of Taoism, Yukawa's scientific thinking achieved the coordination and balance of intuition and abstraction.
    The Evolution of Shinto and the Change of National Belief in Postwar Japan
    YIN Chen-xi
    2022, 36(3):  72-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.008
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    As the native religion of Japan, Shinto has had significant impact on politics and society. Even though there was a “fission period” after the war due to a series of religious policies, it still has strong vitality and high existential value. At present, in order to transfer domestic conflicts and reduce internal frictions, Japanese conservatives make use of religious forces to promote the relationship of competition and peace. Therefore, finding out the historical development track of Shinto to explore the deep cultural psychology of the Japanese nation and analyzing its development trend is one of the important means to understand Japanese national life.This will help us to gain a new perspective to examine the political trend of Japan and to have a clearer understanding of the development and future trend of contemporary Shintoism in Japan. At the same time, it will help us to further analyze Japan and better understand Sino-Japanese relations.