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    25 February 2020, Volume 34 Issue 1
    Original Paper
    On Japan’s “Global Food Value Chain Strategy”
    CHENG Yong-ming
    2020, 34(1):  7-16.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.002
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    In recent years, Japan has adopted an “active attack” policy to actively promote the overseas development of agriculture, forestry, aquatic products and food.To this end, the government has promulgated a number of related policies, including the “Global Food Value Chain Strategy”, and formed a multilevel and multifield “combined” support policy system. The strategy has the characteristics of emphasizing the implementation concept of both government and people, the coordination of basic and regional strategies, the linkage between bilateral government economic cooperation mechanisms and private investment, and the “bundled” export of hardware such as products and equipment, and software such as management systems.
    Japanese Economic Policy Uncertainty and Enterprise R&D Investment ——An Empirical Analysis Based on Listed Companies
    DENG Mei-wei
    2020, 34(1):  17-27.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.003
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    This paper examines time series features of the fluctuation of Japanese economic policy uncertainty, using the micro data of Janpanese listed companies and an empirical model to analyze the influence of Japanese economic policy uncertainty on enterprise R&D. The main conclusions are as follows: Firstly, the increase of Japanese economic policy uncertainty has a negative impact on enterprises R&D; Secondly, the influences may vary due to industry differences; Thirdly, different economic policy uncertainty has different kinds of impact on Japanese enterprises R&D activities.The increase in the uncertainty of trade policy and financial policy has negative effects on enterprises R&D activities, while the increase in the uncertainty of fiscal policy and exchange rate policy will stimulate R&D. Compared with Japan, Chinese enterprises have less experience in R&D management and weak risktaking ability. The government should pay more attention to avoiding the wild fluctuation of economic policies, creating a good market environment, and taking effective measures to support enterprise innovation activities.
    An Analysis of the Effects and Reasons of QQE of Bank of Japan
    YUAN Wei, KANG Shu-sheng
    2020, 34(1):  28-38.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.004
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    Faced with Japans longterm deflation and weak economic growth, the Bank of Japan initiated QQE: the Bank of Japan continued to increase base currency, adopted negative interes tratepolicy, implemented yield curve control, and guided public expectations. Since the implementation of the policy, the time limit of inflation target has been delayed repeatedly. Although the policy improves the economic situation in the short term, it is also interfered by the global market and other countriespolicies. The poor transmission mechanism of monetary policy, the lack of stable expectations, aging population with fewer children, and the mutual restriction of fiscal and monetary policies all affect the economic effect of monetary policy.
    On the Studies of the Local History of Japan after World War II
    ZHANG Yan-ru
    2020, 34(1):  39-45.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.005
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    After World War II, Japanese has achieved fruitful results in local historical studies targeting a certain administrative region or a historical region. During the early postwar period, in order to clear the influence of “Kōkoku shikan” and satisfy the needs of history education, the academic circles began to promote the study of local history. The establishment of the Local History Research Council provides a platform for collaboration between different regional history researchers. The study of local history in the early postwar period criticized the study of local history before the war, and then took historical materialism as the basic theoretical framework, focusing on the study of social economic history. The study of local history in Japan developed rapidly around 1970. Local history research associations were established one after another. Great achievements have been made in the fields of excavation, preservation, and public activities of local historical materials.Methods and theories have also formed a certain system. Since the end of the 1980s, local history research has changed a lot in terms of purpose, method, and perspective. It also gradually liberated itself from the status of being attached to the overall history, and became more selfreliant. Nevertheless, there were also many problems, such as the onesidedness in data collection and mixed quality of research.
    A Study of the Political and Religious Relationship Between Soka Gakkai and Komeito
    BAO Feng-ming
    2020, 34(1):  46-55.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.006
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    Soka Gakkai, one of the new religion groups in Japan, inherited “Rissho Ankoku ron” the idea of political and religious unity from Nichiren Shoshu, and zealously carried out political activities in the relaxed democratic and ruleoflaw environment after World War II , establishing Komeito in 1964. The relationship between Soka Gakkai and Komeito has experienced four periods: Period of political and religious unity led by the religious group (1964 to 1969), Period of separation of church and state (1970 to the early 1990s ), Period of the religious group becoming a tool of the partys struggle ( the 1990s ), Period of conservatization of political party and the centralization of religious group ( 2000present ). From the 1970s, the policy of Komeito gradually deviated from the religious ideology of Soka Gakkai. The change of the relationship between Soka Gakkai and Komeito shows that from postwar democratization to politics and religious pluralism, religious forces still have profound influence on Japanese politics. At the same time, the essential attributes of political parties determine that religious parties must take the political power as the highest goal. In the complex political struggle, the political opinions of religious parties often conflict with religious ideas and form the reaction force to their maternal group.
    The Imperial Examination Participation of the Ooe Family in the Heian Period of Japan
    WANG Fang
    2020, 34(1):  56-63.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.007
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    The Ooe family is a wellknown cultural family in the Heian Period of Japan.At 78 A.D.,the Eastern Spread of the Imperial Examination provided a chance for the development of the Ooe family. Reading is handed down from generation to generation, the Ooe family became the nobility by the advantages of learning.Eventually became an eminent family and cultural kindred in the Heian Period. The study of the Ooe family is not only beneficial to analyze the reasons for the success of the Ooe familys Imperial Examination, but also to grasp the internal relationship between the Ooe family and the characteristics of the Japanese Imperial Examination, and to tap the source of the Japanese society where the Imperial Examination cannot be rooted.
    A Study on the Multilingual Policy of Cross-Border Groups in Japan
    WANG Lu
    2020, 34(1):  64-72.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.008
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    For cross-border groups, the policies of emigration and immigration have a profound impact. Before cross-border behaviors occur, the impact of the policies of the country of emigration is greater than those of the country of immigration. After cross-border behaviors occur, the opposite is true.The sound policies of the immigrant countries help cross-border groups to realize cross-border behavior. The more attractive the policies of the immigrant country, the stronger the motive for cross-border immigration behaviors. The basic premise of an immigrant country is that the immigration behavior of cross-border groups will bring benefits to the country. With the continuous intensification of the aging problem, Japan has been forced by population pressure to ease the immigration policy of cross-border groups. The immigration of cross-border groups not only brings national benefits to Japan, but also causes potential social crisis.The Japanese government has adopted a multilingual policy to alleviate the negative impact of cross-border groups, stabilize integration, and reduce the mutual exclusion between cross-border groups and their own groups.
    A Comparative Study of Fluid Metaphorical Thinking Between Japanese and Chinese
    HAN Tao
    2020, 34(1):  73-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.01.009
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    Metaphor is a basic mode for human beings to understand the objective world. When different languages understand or talk about the same thing, they often face the choice of different cognitive models. This paper takes the usage of Japanese “nagare” and “nagareru” as an example, and tries to analyze the differences between Japanese and Chinese in the conceptualization of nouns from the perspectives of “the scope of metaphor” and “the depth of metaphor”. The study finds that although Chinese can also use fluid metaphor or to metaphorically represent nouns such as “time”, this thinking mode is a basic cognitive mode in Japanese, so abstract nouns such as “politics”, “story”, “competition” and “silence” in Japanese are based on fluid metaphor. Through the contrastive study between Japanese and Chinese, we can see that it is a remarkable feature that Japanese differs from Chinese to think about objective things by means of fluid metaphor.