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    25 June 2016, Volume 30 Issue 3
    Original Paper
    Study on Japan’s National Ocean Strategy and Change of Arctic Geopolitical Structure
    LI Zhen fu,HE Hong yi
    2016, 30(3):  1-11.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.001
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    Japan’s National Ocean Strategy has gone through an expanding shrinking re expanding development phase. In view of the resources, environment, strategic and economic value in Arctic area, Japanese government has positively participated in Arctic affairs and pursued the Arctic benefits under the frame of national ocean strategy. The strong intervention towards Arctic affairs made by Japanese government may cause a significant change in Arctic Geopolitical Structure. This paper analyzes the development process and the future trend of the Japanese national ocean strategy, and draws a conclusion that the Japanese national ocean strategy is mainly influenced by the nation identification of Japan (to be a marine nation or continental nation), the geopolitical pattern of East Asia, and the marine super power US. This paper also reflects that the Japanese national ocean strategy will show a tendency of expansion in the future. Then, this paper analyzes how Arctic geopolitical structure will influence Japan's national ocean strategy and the trend of the changes of Japan’s national ocean strategy in the future, puts forward that Japan will restrict China in developing Arctic engagement strategy, having better diplomatic relations with Russia and enhancing its military force. Finally, studying the change of the Arctic Geopolitical Structure should be based on the standing points of China, US, Russia, Japan.
    Measurement and Influencing Factors of Export Structure of China and Japan—Based on the Export Complexity
    ZHANG Xiao lei, WEI Jing fu
    2016, 30(3):  12-19.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.002
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    Based on export complexity index, this paper compares the export structure of manufacturing products between China and Japan from the aspects of product, industry and country by using 3 digit trade data of Standard International Trade Classification from 1995 to 2014, and analyses the influencing factors of export complexity through ridge regression. The findings show that China’s exports focus on low and medium complexity products while Japan’s on medium and high complexity products in terms of products structure, that human capital, research and development expenditure have obvious significance on both countries while the population size has no obvious effects upon the two countries in terms of influencing factors, and that FDI and improvement trade have significant positive impacts on China, while per capita GDP has prominent and positive impacts upon Japan.
    Mizoguchi Kozo’s Comparison betweenChinese and Japanese Ideological Concepts
    REN Li
    2016, 30(3):  20-27.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.003
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    Chinese thoughts and cultures have spread from Korean Peninsula into Japan, and been presented in new form safter assimilation and transformation by Japanese nation. In the field of comparative study on thoughts between Chinese and Japanese,Japanese scholar Mizoguchi Kozo took conceptual comparison as the hitting point, combined objective historical facts of culture and history in these two countries, utilized diversified research methods like literature,etymology and social survey, so as to conductcomparison on the concepts such as “Tian”,“Gong Si”,“Li” and “Xin” within the philosophical thoughts of Chinese and Japanese.Through comparison, he explored different interpretations of Chinese and Japanese ideological concepts in cultural context. On this basis, he attempted to reestablish the cultural cognition of Chinese and Japanese cultures. Meanwhile, he provided a new idea on interdisciplinary cultural comparative study.
    Study on Movement of Returning Captive Labors’ Remains in Japanese Folk in Early Postwar
    PAN De chang, LIU Pei
    2016, 30(3):  28-39.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.004
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    In Early Postwar, in order to urge the Japanese government to return captive labors’ remains, Executive Committee of Mourning Chinese Prisoner Victims that was composed of 14 Japanese non governmental organizationscarried out investigations, held memorial activities and negotiated with the government. As a result, some of thecaptive labors’ remains were returned. Compared with thesenon governmental organizations,the Japanese government adopted perfunctory attitudes of “non recognition”, “inaction” and “anarchism”. The movement of returning captive labors’ remains have made positive effects on China Japan relationship normalization. Because of the special international situation and China Japan relationship in early postwar,returning captive labors’ remains gradually became a remnant of war problem.
    Derelopment of JapanEurope Trade and Global Seafaring in the 16th and 17th Century
    ZHANG Lan xing
    2016, 30(3):  40-48.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.005
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    In the 16th 17th century, European ships sailed around the world, and European merchants did their business all over the world. The European got the lessons of navigation between east and west besides exchanging all categories of commodities and gaining a large amount of befenits.The seafaring between East and West,map production,and nautical technology were advanced by communication between the two sides.The world trade circle and global navigation line began to take shape.
    Study on the Kenseito Cabinet of Modern Japan
    CHEN Wei
    2016, 30(3):  49-56.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.006
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    The Kenseito Cabinet is the beginning of an important stage in the political history of modern Japan, which marked the end of the long termgovernmental model of Satsuma and Choshu Hanbatsu’spresidency rotation. As the first party cabinet of modern Japan, hunting office holder, having internal strife and compromising to Hanbatsuo ccurred during Kenseito cabinet period. The Kenseito cabinet was set up on recommendation of the elder statesman Itō Hirobumi who was are presentative of enlightened force in Hanbatsu. The other elder statesmen leaded by Yamagata Aritomo had to agree with Kenseito to form a cabinet on the surface, because it was difficult for Hanbatsu govement to control the regime. Therefore, the Kenseito cabinet was constrained by elder statesman, bureaucrats, Kizokuyin and Gunbu, among which Yamagata Aritomo was a representative man. There were internal disputes in Kenseito, all of which leaded to division of the Kensei to and collapse of Kenseito cabinet.
    The Effect of Population Aging with Fewer Children to Japan’s Economy and its Enlightenment to China—Based on the Angle of Labor Supply
    WU Xue, ZHOU Xiao wei
    2016, 30(3):  57-66.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.007
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    The growing problem of population aging with fewer children affects Japan’s economy, especially its labor market. At present, the issues of undersupplied labor, aging,and increasing unemployment rate of the young are getting obvious. Undersupplied labor problem can be helped by the increase of female and international labors, but not solved fundamentally. The Japanese government has been always thinking highly of the problems caused by population aging with fewer children, and taking measures actively to boost economic growth. Under the same circumstances as Japan, in order to avoid similar problem of labor supply, China should take several measures such as boosting economic growth, implementing second child policy, improving social security system and developing industry for the elderly.
    On the Inheritance of Japanese Cultural Resources and the Route of Overseas Transmission
    CHENG Yong ming
    2016, 30(3):  67-74.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.008
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    The sources of Japanese cultural resources were complex, but on the basis of selective absorption, mutual integration and grafting development, it had been turned into the culture with Japanese characteristics. Ritualization, ritual spiritualization and aestheticism focused on direct results are three common characteristics of Japanese culture and the main reasons why Japanese culture can be easily accepted by common people and continuously passed down. Only after the implementation of the internal cultural heritage, accumulation of the abundant cultural resources, it will have the possibility of external cultural communication. In the process of Japanese culture resources’ overseas communication, its path is “spread-feedback-rethink-improve-spread” which represents a “spiral” mode of overseas dissemination.
    Dual Alienation between Real and Surreal World under Mutual Projection—Kobo Abe’s Novel The Woman in the Dunes
    LIU Yan
    2016, 30(3):  75-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.03.009
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    Kobo Abe is the representative Japanese writer of modernistic literature after World War II. He skillfully applied the techniques and themes of modernistic literature to Japan’s soil and reality. The Woman in the Dunes, Kobo Abe’s masterpiece, integrated surrealism techniques and existential theme into one, showed the similar real and surreal worlds with the symbol of “Mobius strip”, and revealed the absurd human alienation and existence under the mutual projection of the two worlds to seek the significance of human existence.