日本问题研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 64-72.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2021.06.008

• 社会研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院 日本研究所,北京〓100007
  • 发布日期:2022-01-27
  • 基金资助:

The Path and Implications of Japanese Model of “Combining Medical Care and Nursing Care” from the Perspective of Integrated Care

GUO Pei   

  1. Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100007, China
  • Published:2022-01-27

摘要: 整合照料是以实现老年人“在地安老”为目标,将医疗、护理、生活照料等多重资源有机组合的一项综合养老服务。在人口老龄化趋势与财政开支日益紧张的背景下,日本以“社区整合照料”为重点,聚焦城市和地方养老照料的不同需求推行有针对性的整合服务。论文选取代表城市地区的东京都新宿区和地方发展的鸟取县日南町,基于案例研究的角度,对二者整合照料的主要模式、特征及实现路径进行梳理分析。研究发现,未来中国推进“医养结合”需要遵循一定的整合条件,包括整合职能部门的健全、医疗和护理保险制度的相对完备、坚持地方差异的本土发展、整合资源的多主体协同、基于社区的整合平台建设以及从业人员培训的加强等。

关键词: 整合照料, 医养结合, 本土性 , 路径

Abstract: Integrated care is a comprehensive elderly care service which combines medical care, nursing care, life care and other resources to achieve the goal of “local elderly care”. In the context of population aging and increasingly tight fiscal expenditures, Japan focuses on “community integrated care” and implements targeted integrated services addressing the different needs of urban and local elderly care. This paper takes Shinjuku District of Tokyo city and Nichinan town of Tottori as examples. It analyzes their integrated care mode, main characteristics and approaches. The study finds that in the future, China should follow certain integration conditions to promote the “combination of medical and nursing care”, including strengthening the integrated functional departments, improving the medical and nursing insurance system, insisting on the local conditions, developing multiagent and integrating resources, constructing the integration platform based on the community, enhancing the training and so on.

Key words: integrated care, combination of medical care and nursing, nativity, approach
