日本问题研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 1-9.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2024.02.001

• 政治研究 •    下一篇



  1. 上海外国语大学 日本文化经济学院, 上海 201620
  • 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:廉德瑰,男,博士,上海外国语大学日本文化经济学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事日本政治外交、日本历史文化、中日关系研究。

The Current Situation and Trend of Conservative Politics in Japan

LIAN Degui   

  1. School of Japanese Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 日本的政治在1955年之后主要是由保守主义政党自由民主党长期执政。该党的派系分成保守右派和保守自由派,两派交替掌握自民党的主导权,也代表了日本保守政治的现状。最初该党主要派系保守自由派宏池会及经世会长期占据主导地位,进入21世纪以后,伴随该党右派清和会的兴起,保守右派取代保守自由派获得主导权。清和会表现出明显的右倾倾向,是因为该派得到日本右翼组织的支持,所以清和会的兴衰与右翼组织影响力的兴衰密不可分。清和会在安倍晋三执政期间,实现了日本历史上最长时间内阁,导致日本政治右倾化。2021年,自民党内保守自由派宏池会的代表岸田文雄组阁执政,标志着保守自由派重新掌握日本保守政治的主导权,日本政治进入后安倍时代。后安倍时代,岸田内阁由于受到发端于清和会的“黑金政治”和教会干政问题影响,支持率持续走低,保守自由派受到牵连,自民党派阀政治受到批评,日本政治也陷入困境。

关键词: 保守政治, 主流派, 保守自由派, 保守右派

Abstract: Japanese politics mainly were governed by the conservative Liberal Democratic Party for a long time after 1955. The partys factions were divided into conservative rightists and conservative liberals, with the two factions alternating in controlling the Liberal Democratic Partys leadership, which also represents the current state of conservative politics in Japan. Initially, the conservative liberal Kochikai and Keiseikai held a dominant position for a long time. After entering the 21st century, with the rise of Seiwakai, conservative rightwing replaced conservative liberals to gain dominance. Seiwakai showed a clear right-wing inclination because this faction received support from the rightwing in Japan. The rise and fall of Seiwakai are closely related to the rise and fall of right-wing influence. Seiwakai achieved the longest serving cabinet in history during the reign of Shinzo Abe, causing political right-wing tendencies in Japan. Fumio Kishida, a conservative liberal in the Liberal Democratic Partys Kochikai, formed a cabinet to govern in 2021, which marks the regaining of the dominance of conservative politics in Japan by conservative liberals, and Japanese politics enters the post Abe Era. In the post Abe era, the Kishida Cabinets support rate continues to decline due to the influence of the black gold politics and church interference issues that originated from Seiwakai. Conservative liberals are implicated, and the Liberal Democratic Partys authoritarian politics are criticized. Japanese politics also falls into a predicament.

Key words: conservative politics, mainstream, conservative liberals, conservative rightwing
