日本问题研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 31-39.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.06.003

• 历史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

五四运动后丸山昏迷的中国观、 教育观及其实践活动


  1. 南开大学 日本研究院,天津300071
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-12 发布日期:2023-02-20
  • 作者简介:刘岳兵,男,博士,南开大学世界近现代史研究中心教授、博士生导师,主要从事日本思想史与中日思想文化交流史研究。
  • 基金资助:

Maruyama Konmeis Views on China and Education and His Activities After the May 4th Movement

LIU Yue-bing, CHEN Ling-han   

  1. Japan Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
  • Received:2022-10-12 Published:2023-02-20

摘要: 丸山昏迷是一位民国时期在华工作的日本新闻记者,同时也是一位日本初期的社会主义者。在北京亲历五四运动之后,丸山昏迷受到极大震动,深切感受到青年学生是引领中国走向更大运动的新生力量。他通过与李大钊、鲁迅、周作人等人的密切往来,参与到“五四”后中国的社会运动中。丸山昏迷在中国的新闻事业主要围绕教育展开,他强调教育普及是中国改革的根本。继而,丸山昏迷尝试用教育帮助中国女性的觉醒,推动了北京女高师的访日考察活动。最后,丸山昏迷坚定地支持了“非宗教大同盟”运动,加入了以李大钊为代表的激进知识分子阵营。从教育运动、社会运动到思想运动、文化运动,丸山昏迷一步步推进在华活动的深入。丸山昏迷以纯粹的社会主义理想投身于中国的社会改革,同时,他的社会主义思想在中国活动过程中逐渐明晰与深化,既形成了积极有益的互动关系,也成就了近代中日友好交流史上的一段佳话。

关键词: 丸山昏迷, 五四运动, 中国观, 教育观 , 在华活动

Abstract: Maruyama Konmei was a Japanese journalist who worked in China during the period of the Republic of China. He was also an early socialist in Japan. After witnessing the May 4th Movement in Beijing, Maruyama was deeply shocked and felt that young students were the new force leading China to a greater movement. He participated in the social movements of China after the May 4th Movement through close contacts with people, such as Li Dazhao, Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren. Maruyama's journalism in China focused on education, and he emphasized that universal access to education was fundamental to Chinas reform. Subsequently, Maruyama tried to help Chinese women to awaken through education, and promoted a visit to Japan by female teachers in Beijing. Finally, Maruyama firmly supported the “nonreligious alliance” movement, joined the radical intellectuals represented by Li Dazhao camp. From education movement, social movement to ideological movement and cultural movement, Maruyama deepened his activities in China step by step. Maruyama devoted himself to the social reform of China with the pure socialist ideal, and his socialist thought gradually became clear and deepened in the course of his activities in China. It has not only fostered positive and beneficial interactions, but also made a good story in the history of friendly exchanges between China and Japan in modern times.

Key words: Maruyama Konmei, the May 4th Movement, views on China, views on education, activities in China
