日本问题研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 64-72.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.03.009

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  1. 复旦大学 日本研究中心,上海 200433
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-05 出版日期:2007-06-25 发布日期:2007-06-25
  • 作者简介:李超(1985—),男,福建宁德人,博士,博士后研究人员,讲师,主要从事日本法律史及中日关系研究。

Constitutionalism from Meiji to Early Republic of China: Expect of the Constitutional Consultant Ariga Nagao

LI Chao   

  1. Japan Research Center, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433,China
  • Received:2016-09-05 Online:2007-06-25 Published:2007-06-25

摘要: 《观弈闲评》体现了宪法顾问有贺长雄对民初立宪的理论及政体构想,但背后蕴藏有更深层次的基本理论和原则。他对民初立宪的种种设想,实际上不过是将民初立宪的政体参照视线,从共和制国家转移到君主制国家上,而且是将明治立宪作为效仿的对象。这些理论和原则,在他早年建构起来的宪法学理论体系中可以清晰地找到对应的原型,还可以进一步追溯到他宪法学启蒙老师石泰因的理论学说中。由于明治立宪20世纪初以来的走向,愈来愈偏离他心目中的立宪期待,于是他将这套理论及政体构想经过一番乔装打扮,寄托在了民国初期立宪上。

关键词: 有贺长雄, 宪法顾问, 明治立宪, 民初立宪

Abstract: Reviews on Watching Games manifests the theory and regime conception of the constitutional consultant Ariga Nagao’s constitutionalism in the early Republic of China. It contains the deeper basic theories and principles. His various conceptions of constitutionalism in the early Republic of China actually turned the regime reference line of the constitutionalism in the early Republic of China from republicanism country to monarchy country, which took the Meiji constitutionalism as the object of imitation. The corresponding prototype of these theories and principles can be traced back clearly to his early constitutional theoretical system, and furthermore to his constitutional enlightenment teacher Lorenz von Stein's theories. As Japan's political trends since Meiji constitutionalism in the early 20th century drifted off his constitutional expectation, He disguised these theories and regime conception and placed it on the constitutionalism in the early Republic of China.

Key words: Ariga Nagao, constitutional consultant, Meiji constitutionalism, constitutionalism in early Republic of China
