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25 February 2024, Volume 38 Issue 1
Previous Issue
The Characteristics, Motivations, and Prospects of Cooperation Between Japan and NATO
2024, 38(1): 1-10. DOI:
(5267KB) (
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In 2008, Japan became a global partner of NATO, officially initiating the process of Japan NATO cooperation. Japans cooperation with NATO is characterized by institutionalization, emphasis on value security, substantive cooperation in various fields, and emphasis on strengthening interoperability. On the whole, the cause of Japans cooperation with NATD is that both parties have common strategic interests in cooperation. Japan hopes to use NATO to achieve the goal of becoming a military power to contain China, while NATO wants to promote Asia-Pacificization and win over Japan to cope with so-called challenges posed by China and North Korea.
The Implementation Mode, Effect and Dilemma of Japans “Tourism Diplomacy” Strategy
LIU Qingmei
2024, 38(1): 11-21. DOI:
(5930KB) (
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In 2002, the government led by Junichiro Koizumi first mentioned the importance of overseas tourists visiting Japan to the Japanese economy. In January 2007, with the revision of The Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Law, the Japanese government began to pay attention to the public diplomacy effect of overseas tourists visiting Japan. In the studies so far, the discussion around the policy of “building a nation through tourism” has formed a comprehensive trend, and a relatively clear consensus view has been reached, but few studies have paid attention to the combination of this strategy and public diplomacy theory. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Japanese government has implemented the strategy of “tourism diplomacy” mainly by loosening visa restrictions for overseas tourists to Japan and integrating and improving domestic tourism resources. In terms of effect, intuitive economic data verify the success of Japans “tourism diplomacy” mode, and in terms of the public diplomacy effect of enhancing its international image, the Japanese government still needs to make more efforts to win over the swing groups. Contradictions in policy making, uneven distribution of tourism resources between regions, and an aging population with declining birthrate are the major difficulties for Japans “tourism diplomacy”.
Research on the Cooperation Mode Between Enterprises and NGOs in Japans Foreign Aid
DING Shaobin, LI Yanshen
2024, 38(1): 22-31. DOI:
(5113KB) (
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In Japans foreign aid, the cooperation and participation of enterprises and NGOs is an important feature. Through the historical evolution of different stages of foreign aid, various cooperation models between them have taken shape, including asset cooperation type, social contribution type, social responsibility type, and CSV type. Enterprises and NGOs play an important role in Japans foreign aid, and the potential changes in the cooperation model between them have a significant impact on the development of Japans foreign aid affairs in the future. Chinas foreign aid can learn from Japans experience, enhance corporate social responsibility awareness, and promote collaboration between social organizations and diverse entities, in order to promote high-quality development of Chinas foreign aid affairs.
An Analysis of Non-Economic Factors Driving Japans Post-war Privatization Movement
LIU Hong
2024, 38(1): 32-41. DOI:
(5553KB) (
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Japan implemented two large-scale privatization movements after World War II, primarily during the periods of Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi. By comparing the privatization movements during the Nakasone and Koizumi periods and analyzing the significant impacts of three factors: financial crises, political struggles, and external pressures, this paper attempts to identify a unique model of post-war privatization in Japan. Using the theoretical frameworks and methodologies of historical institutionalism and political entrepreneur, this paper attempts to find the profound historical institutional factors and the pivotal role exerted by political leaders in shaping the distinctive model of post-war privatization in Japan.
The Formation and Evolution of Chinese Language Education in Modern Japan ——Centered on the Chinese Department of Tokyo Foreign Language School
XU Jingbo, XU Xiaochun
2024, 38(1): 42-50. DOI:
(4936KB) (
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On the basis and framework of Tou Tsuji(Chinese interpreter), the Chinese language education system in modern Japan was formed. The most important educational institution in the early stage was the Tokyo Foreign Language School, which was founded 1873. Historically, it is generally divided into two stages, or two periods, from June 1873(also said by some to be August)to 1886, generally known as the Old Tokyo Foreign Language School(referred to as “Old Foreign language”). It was revived again in 1899, on a more orderly scale, and lasted until after World War II(commonly referred to as the “New Foreign Language”). The Chinese Department in the school is the largest government-run Chinese language education institution in modern Japan. Compared with the foreign language education of the Western system such as English, French and German, which had the function of spreading civilization at the same time, Chinese language education was basically just a practical language education in the fields of diplomacy and trade. An investigation of the evolution of Tokyo Foreign Language School and the relevant government-run Chinese language education institutions can roughly grasp the historical context and basic characteristics of the evolution of Chinese language education in modern Japan.
Practice and Influence of Constructing the Concept of “Indigenous Peoples” in Japan
LIN Shengai
2024, 38(1): 51-59. DOI:
(4541KB) (
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In the late 1990s, the construction and widespread dissemination of the concept of “indigenous peoples” in Japan marked a process where the rights of the indigenous Ainu people, such as human rights, freedom, culture, and tradition, gradually became incorporated into its domestic legal protection framework. In contrast to the concept of “aboriginal peoples”, which aims to showcase the independence and superiority of the Yamato ethnic group, the concept of “indigenous peoples” is recognized and respected as an independent ethnic cultural community in a country and society that acknowledges cultural diversity, presenting a progressive aspect. The fundamental purpose of Japans construction of the concept of “indigenous peoples” is to enhance national identity by reconstructing multicultural identities in the modern context where national identity is deeply influenced by the process of globalization.
The Modernity Interpretation of Chinese Civilization in Ikedas Works and Its Contemporary Value
JI Yaguang, MENG Ruizhu
2024, 38(1): 60-68. DOI:
(4720KB) (
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Japanese thinker Daigo Ikeda studied China based on its historical and traditional culture, pointing out that China is the key to achieving world peace and development. He talked with intellectuals around the world, analyzed the difficulties in Western modern civilization, and studied the cultural heritage of Chinese civilization from the perspective of “people-orientation”. In order to break the limitations of exclusivity and homogenization in Western modern civilization, Ikeda interpreted the modernity of Chinese civilization, pointing out that the “universality” of Chinese civilizations pacifism and the unity of axiology and ontology have the possibility to surpass Western modern civilization. Therefore, Ikeda is full of expectations for China in the 21st century, and believes that Chinese civilization will play an important role in forming a new world civilization order that truly conforms to the interests of human beings. Ikeda's interpretation of the modernity of Chinese civilization provides a comparative dimension between Eastern and Western civilizations for understanding the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization: continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace. It provides some inspiration and reference for the construction of modern Chinese civilization.
An Analysis of Yamakawa Kikues Thoughts on Womens Emancipation
MENG Fei, CAI Mulin
2024, 38(1): 69-80. DOI:
(6486KB) (
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Yamakawa Kikue was one of the most important Japanese socialists in the 20th century. Her thoughts on the emancipation of proletarian women became the important reference for the Japanese feminist movement in the early 20th century. Yamakawa Kikue believed that the Japanese proletarian women were trapped in the predicament: the interference of the bourgeois feminist movement, the constraint of the feudal family system, and the old ideology of male superiority and female inferiority. In this regard, starting from Marxism, she pointed out that the root of womens problems lay in economic problems, and clarified the hypocrisy and oppression of the bourgeois feminist movement against proletarian women. She pointed out that the inner strength of realizing proletarian womens emancipation is the unity of all workers, the external support is the proletarian movement, and the practical return is the socialist mode of production. Once translated into Chinese, Yamakawa Kikues works on womens liberation exerted a certain influence on the early Chinese Marxists exploration of the road of Chinese womens liberation.