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    25 October 2022, Volume 36 Issue 5
    Original Paper
    Fumio Kishidas New Capitalist Policy and Its Influence on Northeast Asia
    ZHOU Yong-sheng
    2022, 36(5):  1-14.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.001
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    Japan‘s new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida advocates a liberal capitalism with intervention, even strong intervention, for new capitalism. The focus is on giving full play to the functions of the government and the state and regulating secondary distribution. Between large companies and SMEs (small and midsized companies), SMEs have a greater proportion of profits. Between capital and employees, employees have a higher ratio of profits. The tilt of its policies is biased towards the middle class and the lower middle class. Policy practices mainly include building a strong country in science and technology, implementing the “digital ruralcity concept” to revitalize the countryside and connect the world, promoting economic security, and eliminating anxiety in elderly, strengthening the distribution function for workers, expanding the middle class and coping with the decline in the birth rate, increasing the income from work in areas such as nursing and childcare, reforming fiscal allocation, and other issues of nationbuilding. Prime Minister Fumio Kishidas new capitalism mainly belongs to the strategy and policy of economic development and peoples livelihood. Its core content is the issue of development and distribution. Kishidas new capitalist strategy and policies may bring some changes to Japan. But because there are so many constraints, it is difficult to achieve the goal.
    Status and Trends of Strategic Proximity Between Japan and the EU Under the Background of Regular COVID19 Epidemic Prevention and Control
    CHEN Jingjing
    2022, 36(5):  15-21.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.002
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    the COVID19 pandemic throughout the world has had a major impact on international relations. Under the background of regular COVID19 epidemic prevention and control, Japan and the EU have once again “huddled together for warmth”. The trend of strategic cooperation has once again become prominent, and the cooperation between the two sides is extensive and deepening. Driven by the JapanEU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), and the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure between Japan and the European Union, the strategic cooperation between the two sides has reached a new high. Japan and the EU have not only strengthened cooperation in the IndoPacific region, but also become more and more obvious in relying on each other to contain China. At the same time, they have also strengthened cooperation in dealing with COVID19 and in other aspects. In addition, the relations between Japan and the major member states of the European Union have also been steadily advancing. Japan and France have constantly confirmed and strengthened the “special partnership” between the two countries. JapanGermany relation has also developed steadily.
    Trends of Japans Regional Economic Cooperation and Its Impact on China Under the Background of RCEPs Entry into ForceChina Under the Background of RCEPs Entry into Force
    TIAN Zheng, LIU Feiyun
    2022, 36(5):  22-36.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.003
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    The official entry into force of RCEP in 2022 is of great significance for deepening economic cooperation in the AsiaPacific region. In the context of rebalancing the division of labor in the global value chain, Japans choice to participate in RCEP not only shows that deepening regional economic cooperation will help promote Japans economic growth, but also is of great significance to improving its widearea economic cooperation goals. Japan will continue to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with China, deepen economic and trade relations with ASEAN, strengthen cooperation with the United States and India outside the region, and actively participate in the formulation of new economic and trade rules to improve the stability of its industrial chain and supply chain and expand the coverage of economic and trade agreements scope, and compete for the right to formulate economic and trade rules. After the RCEP comes into effect, the economic and trade interdependence between China and Japan will be further deepened. However, Japans adjustment of the layout of the industrial chain and supply chain, and strengthening of international economic and trade and strategic competition will also have an impact on China.
    On Soko Yamagas Influence on the History of Japanese Thought:Criticality and Diversion
    ZHANG Xiaoming
    2022, 36(5):  37-46.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.004
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    Sogo Yamaga is a critical link in the history of Japanese thoughts, inheriting ZhuXis philosophy and establishing Kogaku. He is a nonmainstream philosopher though, due to the complexity of his thoughts. On the whole, Soko Yamagas thought consist of Shidouron, Seigaku, and Nihonchuuchoushugi. Although different parts present distinct academic focuses, they show a purpose of reconstructing Japanese subjectivity from the perspective of his ideological structure. To be specific, it can be found that while the Japanese subjectivity necessitates the nutrition of Chinese thoughts, the critical point of an independent Japanese subjectivity can only be obtained through dethatching the Chinese ideological influence, which is the gradual maturing of the Japanization of Confucianism. Meanwhile, the diversion of Soko Yamagas justifying Koutou with Jindai reverberates with Japanese Kokugaku, which is a methodological attempt at constructing Japanese subjectivity.
    Virtues NonNature and Good Tendency of Nature: An analysis of Ito Jinsais Kogigaku from the Perspective of VirtueVirtues NonNature and Good Tendency of Nature: An analysis of Ito Jinsais Kogigaku from the Perspective of Virtue
    JIA Xi
    2022, 36(5):  47-61.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.005
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    Ito Jinsai, a representative of East Asian retro trend of thought, tried to transcend Zhu Xi Doctrine and go straight back to the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius by means of selfconscious criticism, and established the theory of Kogigaku which reserves traditional culture and makes innovation. The theory of virtue, which is at the core of Kogigaku, is unique in criticizing Zhu Xi doctrine and integrating the thought of Confucius and Mencius. He objected to the Sung Confucianism preaching “virtue” as “from the heart”, and regarded it as the general name of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom, and linked it with the meaning of “Tao”, thus interpreting the transcendental and noumenal meaning of “natural virtue”. He also criticized Sung Confucianism for taking the four cardinal virtues as nature, dividing nature into temperamental and original nature, and regarding Mencius theory of the goodness of human nature as the view that all nature is good. On the contrary, he integrated Confucius concept of “similar nature” with Mencius theory of “the goodness of human nature”, and concluded that nature has two characteristics of “disharmony” and “tending to be good”. From Ito Jinsais theory of virtue, we can not only know his unique construction of Kogigaku, but also reflect on the neoConfucianism construction of Sung Confucianism.
    From “KOBUNJIN” to “RIKUKEI”: Theoretical Construction and Practice of Sorai Studies Perspective of Body Narration
    SHI Yun
    2022, 36(5):  62-70.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.006
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    In the 17th and 18th centuries, “Fuko” became the dominant trend of thought in Japan, of which Ogyu Sorais theory was the most cuttingedge and influential. An analysis of the process of Sorais theoretical construction reveals that he finally established the learning method of “reading the six classics directly without exegesis” by absorbing and explaining the methodology of Wang Shizhen and others. In addition to contributing a new research paradigm to Edo Confucianism, his theory also promoted the acceptance and recognition of Japanese Confucianism in the East Asian world.
    Japans Measures to Protect Children from Sexual Violence and the Implications
    ZHENG Lin
    2022, 36(5):  71-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.05.007
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    In 2020, the Japanese government issued the “policy of strengthening the fight against sexual violence and crimes”. Based on this plan, the Japanese MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) has decided to strengthen relevant measures from the following four aspects to prevent children from becoming perpetrators, victims or bystanders of sexual violence: implementing life and safety education; formulating the Law on the Prevention of Sexual Violence by Teaching Staff against Children and Students, and severely punishing teachers who commit indecent acts; improving schools consultation system; enhancing social enlightenment education. The specific measures taken by Japan to prevent and control sexual violence against children can provide some reference and inspiration for China to solve this kind of problem.