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25 December 2021, Volume 35 Issue 6
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An Investigation of Gender Discrimination in Japanese Labor Market
2021, 35(6): 1-15. DOI:
(6865KB) (
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Under the impact of COVID19, the number of Japanese women who committed suicide in the workplace rose sharply in 2020. This phenomenon is obviously contrary to the socalled “active women” policy promoted by the Japanese government in recent years. In addition, Japan ranked 120th out of 156 countries in the 2021 Global Gender Gap Report, which is in sharp contrast with its status as a developed country. Is there a serious problem of gender discrimination in Japanese society? This paper focuses on Japans labour market and conducts empirical analysis by using the database of “Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS)” by Keio University. On this basis, combined with qualitative analysis, it is concluded that there is a serious problem of gender discrimination. This discrimination is mainly reflected in three forms: traditional model of gender division of labor in the family, the weakness of female human capital accumulation, and the wage difference caused by statistical discrimination. Moreover, these three forms of gender discrimination interweave and promote each other, forming the intergenerational transmission of discrimination.
A Preliminary Study on the Motivation and Mode of SinoJapanese Health Industry Cooperation in the Context of COVID-19 Normalization
GE Jian-hua, MA Lan
2021, 35(6): 16-23. DOI:
(5012KB) (
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COVID-19 continues to ravage the world, with repeated ups and downs, frequent novel coronavirus mutations and vaccine breakthroughs, posing new challenges to global containment. The normalization of the epidemic causes people to pay more attention to medical treatment, health products and services, especially the challenges of aging population, which provides opportunities for ChinaJapan cooperation in the health industry. Through reviewing the ways of international cooperation in Japanese health industry, this paper explores the best ways and models of ChinaJapan health industry cooperation and provides lessons and practices for the sustainable development of the health industry in China and Japan, so as to boost the indepth cooperation between China and Japan in the health industry to become an important force for stabilizing ChinaJapan relations and promoting the economic development of the two countries.
Research on Japan's Aid to Basic Education in Africa: Contents, Paths and Challenges
LOU Shi-zhou,YU Dan-feng
2021, 35(6): 24-33. DOI:
(6071KB) (
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Basic education is indispensable to ensure that one acquires knowledge, values and skills. Compared with other parts of the world, the development of basic education in Africa is disturbing. Getting children to school and ensuring that they complete at least basic education and gain a foundation in learning is critical to building the intellectual capital of African countries. The Japan International Cooperation Agency has been responsible for many foreign aid issues in Japan. Since the early 1990s, it has begun to expand its basic education support to demonstrate its direction and focus on educational aid to Africa. The contents of Japans aid to Africa in basic education include emphasizing aids in mathematics and science education, paying attention to teacher professional development and training, and supporting the construction of schoolcommunityparent management model. This is achieved through the aid paths of establishing the Japanesestyle primary schools in Africa, sending volunteers to teach there and cooperating with the World Bank. Japans aid to Africa in basic education is facing certain challenges, such as the differences in language, distinctive values and concepts between Japan and Africa, and how to connect and differentiate the educational stages.
The Evolution of Japans Higher Education Policy After World War II and Its Implications
HAN Tao,HU Nan
2021, 35(6): 34-40. DOI:
(4385KB) (
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After World War II, Japan's higher education has experienced four stages, namely, the period of system establishment, rapid growth, stagnation & adjustment, and secondary expansion. The evolution path of Japans higher education policy has important implications for China in the following aspects: based on its own national conditions, absorbing the experience of other countries; attaching importance to the guiding role of policy and actively carrying out policy analysis; adjusting the development focus of higher education in time to ensure the synchronous development with the economy.
What Will Happen to Japan's “IndoPacific” Concept in the Post-Abe Era
ZHU Qing-xiu
2021, 35(6): 41-48. DOI:
(5289KB) (
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As the main initiator and promoter of Japan's “IndoPacific” concept, Abe played a key role in the formation of Japan's “IndoPacific” concept. Yoshihide Suga, who succeeded Abe as Prime Minister of Japan, continued the concept and framework of the “IndoPacific” concept promoted by Abe. At the same time, under the impact of COVID19 and the increasingly fierce competition between China and the United States, Japan's “IndoPacific” concept has been further developed, which includes attaching importance to the economic security factors, paying attention to the feelings of countries in the region, and supporting ASEAN to play a central role in the IndoPacific region. In the postAbe era, Japan's “IndoPacific” concept will actively attract major countries in the world, such as ASEAN, Great Britain, France, and Germany, to intervene in IndoPacific affairs on the basis of values diplomacy and geocompetition, and binding the JapanUS. alliance and Japan's “IndoPacific” concept in depth, making every effort to shape the IndoPacific region into an “area” for competition among major powers, creating a “circle of friends” that encircles China. As a result, SinoJapanese relations in the postAbe era and China's surrounding security environment will face greater strategic pressure.
An Analysis of Japan's LDP's Negative Comments on China in the Background of COVID-19
MENG Ming-ming, WU Huai-zhong
2021, 35(6): 49-55. DOI:
(4692KB) (
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In recent years, especially under the impact of COVID19, the conservative rightwing forces in the LDP have been active, aiming at extensive interference and nuisance in the five aspects of SinoJapanese relations. Under the conditions of Japans unique model of partygovernment relations and the current “double weakness” of party and government leaders, and encouraged and stimulated by the multilateral China control strategy instigated by the United States, the behavioral effects and influence of these “unhealthy forces” have been further fermented and amplified, which has greatly poisoned the environment and atmosphere of bilateral relations. In this regard, on the basis of accurately studying and judging the situation and strengthening targeted exchanges with Japan, China should further do a good job in increasing trust and maintaining stability, expanding mutually beneficial cooperation, improving cognition and building consensus, and continue to strive to build ChinaJapan relations that meet the requirements of the new era.
Japan's Establishment of the LongTerm Care Insurance
2021, 35(6): 56-63. DOI:
(4474KB) (
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Based on the reality of China's population aging, summarizing and analyzing the development of Japan's long-term care insurance in the new millennium can provide important reference and inspiration for china's long-term care insurance planning and construction. Based on Japanese official records and statistical data, this paper evaluates the background, policy objectives, system characteristics, and development level of related policies. On this basis, it explores the quantitative relationship between the development and evolution of long-term care insurance and various key social, political and economic factors. Finally, based on the results of this analysis and China's current social, political, and economic characteristics, it offers suggestions for China's establishment of longterm care insurance.
The Path and Implications of Japanese Model of “Combining Medical Care and Nursing Care” from the Perspective of Integrated Care
2021, 35(6): 64-72. DOI:
(5621KB) (
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Integrated care is a comprehensive elderly care service which combines medical care, nursing care, life care and other resources to achieve the goal of “local elderly care”. In the context of population aging and increasingly tight fiscal expenditures, Japan focuses on “community integrated care” and implements targeted integrated services addressing the different needs of urban and local elderly care. This paper takes Shinjuku District of Tokyo city and Nichinan town of Tottori as examples. It analyzes their integrated care mode, main characteristics and approaches. The study finds that in the future, China should follow certain integration conditions to promote the “combination of medical and nursing care”, including strengthening the integrated functional departments, improving the medical and nursing insurance system, insisting on the local conditions, developing multiagent and integrating resources, constructing the integration platform based on the community, enhancing the training and so on.
Exploring Oes Criticism of the Emperor System from the Perspective of Dreamland and Illusion ——Focusing on The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away
YANG Hua, XIAO Bing-bing
2021, 35(6): 73-80. DOI:
(4936KB) (
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Kenzaburo Oe's novel, The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away, was published in 1971. It is an important work among his series of novels on the subject of criticism of the imperial system of Japan. This paper adopts the psychoanalytic theory proposed by Sigmund Freud to analyze and interpret the dreamland and illusion of the hero in the novel. Due to his childhood experiences in the national school, the protagonist has a dream of fighting and dying for the emperor for a long time. In the dream, the id plays a dominant role, unwilling to die for the emperor. Finally, he is abandoned by everyone. After waking up, the protagonist is influenced by the contradiction between the id who longs for his fathers recognition and the id who longs to get rid of the pain of nationalism. He hallucinates that he is suffering from cancer, and then chooses to indulge in this illusion. However, the protagonist is exposed by his mother and is pulled back to reality from the “happiness” of integration. From the dreamland to the illusion, the two ids occur in succession and then overlap at the same time, which is the different result of the interaction between the Pleasure Principle and the Reality Principle Freud puts forward. The protagonist's final choice shows that the illusion is just a way for him to escape from the pain. The image the author portrays plays a connecting role in his entire writing career with the theme of criticizing the emperor system.