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    25 February 2016, Volume 30 Issue 1
    Original Paper
    Modern Significance of Philosophy of Nothingness
    EIKO Hanaoka
    2016, 30(1):  1-7.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.001
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    At the end of 19th century, Nietzsche foretold the arrival of nihilism and “God is dead” of Christian in the late 200 years. Now the modern world presents apocalyptic chaos in every field, just as Nietzsche predicted. This article will analyze the root that leads to the disorder from the perspective of philosophy and religion, and explore the inevitability of the emergence and historical significance of the philosophy of " absolute nothingness ",“oriental nothingness” ,and “emptiness” put forward by Kitaro Nishida, Shin'ichi Hisamatsu, and Keiji Nishitani respectively.
    Instigation of Russo-Japanese War Constituted by leader of Black Dragon Society,Uchida Ryoei
    SHAO Jian-guo,JIANG Ying
    2016, 30(1):  8-16.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.002
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    Before the Russo-Japanese War,the leader of Black Dragon Society, Uchida Ryohei put forward war instigation.it demonstrated strongly that the governmental diplomatic polices were affected by mainland Ronin. Uchida Ryohei' war instigation could be divided into four stages.In the first stage (1897-1901),Uchida Ryohei sneaked into Russia four times,with the sense of crisis on the Russia's invasion and the insight into Russia's domestic conflicts,Uchida Ryohei advocated strongly to declare the war,which opened the prelude of the Japanese continental Ronin's instigation.In the second stage (1902),in consideration of the international situation,Uchida Ryohei and his Black Dragon Society took both appeasement policy and war preparation to Russia.In the third stage (1903-1904),because of Russia's failure in keeping its promise of withdrawal from northeast China, Uchida Ryohei got tough with Russia once again and recommended his war plan to the military headquarters,but failed.Then,he began to instigate the public opinion for the war on one hand,and on the other hand,he cooperated with the government,relaxed and guided the public opinions during the period of negotiation of Russo-Japanese War.In the fourth stage (1905),the Portsmouth Peace Talks were held,and Uchida started to split up with other hard liners toward Russia and tended to assistant government's Peace Policy.
    The Evolution of Polity Theory in Modern Japanese Constitution
    ZHANG Dong
    2016, 30(1):  17-25.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.003
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    Modern Japanese polity theory including the thought of the kingdom of god,emperor-respected theory and moral principles is closely related to constitutional interpretation.In the main constitutional interpretations during Meiji,Taisho and Showa periods,the works on constitution evolved from the pure legal imperial sovereignty to its unique national characters of royal dignity,patriotic loyalty and loving countries.The political theology and moral principles continuously invaded the secular power system.The Emperor of Japan possesses the lasting and changeless sovereignty with the Japanese nationality while the national subjectivity was digested gradually.In interaction with constitutional interpretation,the works on constitution became the key property for fascism finally.
    Features of Japanese Geographic Names’Culture
    CAI Feng-lin
    2016, 30(1):  26-35.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.004
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    Geographic names are the cultural symbols marking certain places.They contain abundant historical,geographical and humane information,which form a unique culture used to identify,give name and communicate.In most cases,the places in a national region are named by its natives in their own language,which reflects the cultural traits of a nation,including its psychological state,manners and customs.Hence,geographic names usually bear the hallmark of the culture originated in a region.However,the signs of geographic names in Japan are given with the borrowing of Chinese characters or Chinese geographical names,which are imbued with the flavor of the Chinese characters’ culture.It is Chinese characters that contributed to the Geographic names’ culture of Japan.If Chinese characters had not been introduced into Japan,its rich and colorful geographic names’ culture would not have been established.
    Japanese Social Transformation and Evolution of Teenagers’Hikikomori
    SHI Yan-rong
    2016, 30(1):  36-46.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.005
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    The phenomenon of “hikikomori” is a social pathological phenomenon in the process of modernization,a passive state with the loss of social behavior and selfreclusion.During the sharp transformation in Japanese modern society,the hikikomori experienced from germ,an increasingly common phenomenon to a social problem.The teenagers’ hikikomori appeared in the 1970s when Japan has turned into an affluent society after the highspeed development of economy.And in the 1980s,it became increasingly common,because that mass consumption society approached and the problem of “nor school attendance” was highlighted.In the 1990s,Japan’s bubble economy collapsed and a pluralistic era of transformation formed,so the phenomenon of teenagers’ hikikomori gradually evolved into an obvious social problem.Since the 21st century,with the appearance of “social inequality” and the deepened trend of fewer children and more elders,more and more serious hikikomori has developed into a remarkable problem influencing Japan’s future development.
    Japan's Minamata Disease Events and Environmental Protest ——Based on Political Opportunity Structure Theory
    YUAN Qian
    2016, 30(1):  47-56.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.006
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    Under the background of frequent mass environmental incidents in contemporary China,the investigation of Japanese environmental protests in 20th century not only provides a reference for the current Chinese environmental governance,but also contributes to the theoretical development of social movement studies.Based on Japan's Minamata Disease protests occurred from 1950s to 1970s,this article explores how the political opportunity structures changes affect the environmental protests.By collecting the literature and implementing field research on Minamata disease protests,we divide the process of Minamata disease protests into three phases,"pre-protests" phase (1956-1959),"political opportunity structure expansion" phase (1960-1968),and "development of protests" phase (1969-1973).Why did the protests of Minamata disease evolve from scattered local riots to disappearance,then rose gradually and affected the whole country in the late 1960s? One of the most important mechanisms was the expansion of political opportunity structures in 1960s.The Expansion of political opportunity structures prompted the development of Minamata disease protests through four aspects,which are the expansion of protest organizations scale,the rise of protests issues,the acceleration of internal division of bureaucracy system,and the reinforcement of importance of environmental dialectic.
    Militarism Literature and Political Discourse of Ogasawara Naganari as the God's Creator of Japanese Army
    YANG Kai
    2016, 30(1):  57-70.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.007
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    The article analyzes Ogasawara Naganari's social role,especially his militaristic political scholars attribute with military and royal background.Ogasawara Naganar made a delicate structure of the militaristic literature world with his years of writing skills.Through analyzing its structure and system,we can see the kernel and contradictions of such militaristic scholars' political thinking.By reading deeply the relevant content concerning the thought on humanity,belief,power and war,we can realize the mental struggle of a militaristic scholar under the great pressure of militarism politics in spite that Ogasawara Naganar is known for creating the myth of Japanese army having the courage to die.
    Functions of Honorific Terms in Showing Speakers' Taste in Japanese——Case Study of Dialogues in Japanese Dramas
    CUI Ya-lei
    2016, 30(1):  71-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2016.01.008
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    In Japanese,the honorific terms are considered as a way to show respect for others.The Use of honorific terms can help indicate positions and relationships among both parties involved in communication and reflect solemnity of the occasion as well.There have been a large number of studies on the functions of honorific terms nowadays.However,besides the aforementioned functions,they are also used to represent the speakers' taste.Based on the previous studies concerning the subject,the paper made case study of the dialogues in recent Japanese dramas.By observing and analyzing how honorific terms are used by speakers of different capacities,the paper found that honorifics did play an important role in showing the speakers' good tastes and manners or indicating their high social position and status.