日本问题研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 18-26.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.002

• 政治研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院 日本研究所,北京100007
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-10 发布日期:2022-08-04
  • 作者简介:王一晨,男,法学博士,中国社会科学院日本研究所助理研究员,主要从事日本对外战略研究。
  • 基金资助:

Japan’s Health Diplomacy Towards Africa from the Japans Health Diplomacy Towards Africa from the Perspective of Non-Traditional Security

WANG Yi-chen   

  1. Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100007, China
  • Received:2022-01-10 Published:2022-08-04

摘要: 自1993年日本召开首届东京非洲发展国际会议,特别是在2016年第六届峰会首次走进非洲以来,日本逐渐加大了在“印太战略”视域下对非洲的战略重视。2020年突如其来的新冠疫情在中断了日本原有对非洲合作议程的同时也为日本开展对非洲抗疫外交提供了重要契机。2021年以来,日本作为世界卫生医疗及对外援助大国,先后举办“全球疫苗峰会”以及“东京营养峰会”,聚焦非洲在营养健康以及新冠疫苗等领域所面临的非传统安全挑战,在双多边层面积极对非洲实施援助,大力开展对非洲“卫生健康外交”,既着眼实现自身在非洲战略意图,也为将于2022年召开的第八届日非峰会搭桥铺路。基于非传统安全视角,从日本对非抗疫外交切入,以“东京营养峰会”和新冠疫苗援助为线索,重点整理了日本对非营养健康与疫苗外交的主要动向,试析其战略考量并研判发展形势。

关键词: 日非关系, “东京营养峰会”, 疫苗援助, “印太战略”, 卫生健康外交

Abstract: Since Japan held the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development in 1993, especially since the TICAD6 was held in Africa for the first time in 2016, Japan has gradually increased its strategic emphasis on Africa from the perspective of “IndoPacific Strategy”. The sudden outbreak of COVID19 in 2020 interrupted Japans original agenda of cooperation with Africa but provided an important opportunity for Japan to carry out its antipandemic diplomacy with Africa. Since 2021, as a country with great influence in health care and foreign aid in the world, Japan has successively hosted the Global Vaccine Summit and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit, focusing on the nontraditional challenges which Africa is facing in the area of health, nutrition and COVID19 vaccines. Therefore Japan has continuously increased its ODA and carried out “health diplomacy” to Africa at both bilateral and multilateral levels to achieve its own strategic interests as well as paving the way for the TICAD8 to be held in 2022. From the perspective of nontraditional security, this paper starts with Japans antipandemic diplomacy with Africa by taking the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit and COVID19 vaccines assistance as clues, and focuses on sorting out the main trends in Japans diplomacy of health and vaccines to Africa as well as analyzes its strategic considerations and the development in the future.

Key words: Japan's relations with Africa, Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit, vaccine assistance, Indo-Pacific Strategy, health diplomacy
