日本问题研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 1-17.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.03.001

• 政治研究 •    下一篇



  1. 上海国际问题研究院 世界经济研究所,上海200233
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-10 发布日期:2022-08-04
  • 作者简介:陈友骏,男,经济学博士,上海国际问题研究院世界经济研究所研究员、区域经济室主任,硕士研究生导师,主要从事亚太政经关系及日本问题等研究。
  • 基金资助:

An Analysis of Abe Administration's Policy Towards the United States and Its Influence on Sino-Japanese Relations

CHEN You-jun,WANG Xing-ao   

  1. Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai, 200233, China
  • Received:2022-01-10 Published:2022-08-04

摘要: 特朗普政府时期,安倍政府在政治、军事和经济三个层面的对美政策调整背后,蕴含着安倍政府试图实现安倍晋三个性化执政理念、对冲特朗普政策不确定性和制衡中国、朝鲜“安全威胁”三重动因。尽管2021年前后日美两国均迎来了首脑更替,但由于后安倍时代的日美两国在制衡中国问题上存在高度共识,因而岸田文雄政府将基本延续安倍政府规划好的既定路线,在积极配合拜登政府对华制衡政策的同时,进一步尝试提升日本的国际政治、经济地位与战略自主性。受此影响,未来中日关系的不确定性将大幅上升,中日关系可能再度呈现“政冷经凉”的局面。鉴于此,中国需要采取积极举措妥善处理对日、对美关系。

关键词: 安倍政府, 对美政策, 日美关系, 后安倍时代, 对华制衡

Abstract: During the Trump administration, through political, military and economic policy adjustments toward the US, Abe administration attempted to realize Abes personalized governing philosophy, hedge against the uncertainty of Trumps policies, and counterbalance the “security threats” from China and North Korea. Although both Japan and the US witnessed a change in leadership around 2021, the postAbe era will see a high degree of consensus between Japan and the US on the issue of counterbalancing China. Therefore, Kishida administration will basically continue the established course planned by the Abe administration, actively cooperating with the Biden administrations policy of counterbalancing China while further attempting to enhance Japans international political and economic status and strategic autonomy. As a result, the uncertainty of SinoJapanese relations will rise significantly in the future, and SinoJapanese relations may once again show a situation of “cold politics and cold economy”. In view of this, China needs to take active measures to properly handle its relations with Japan and the United States. coalition”. During the longterm independent ruling of the Liberal Democratic Party (1955 to 1993), the presidential election was conducted by faction. Factions were tools for presidential candidates to canvass votes or win the majority. It is an “abnormal state” for a nonfactional leader to serve as president—emergency temporary measures by the Liberal Democratic Party. Under the parallel electoral system of proportional representation in small electoral districts, the factional politics of the Liberal Democratic Party shows different characteristics from those under the electoral district system—the function of factions and their binding force are significantly weakened. Especially in the presidential election, the faction has been reduced from “the protagonist” to “a supporting role”. It has become a “new normal” for a nonfactional leader to become president, and a faction leader to become president is an anomaly. Regardless of the future development trend of LDP factional politics, its invariable logic is it is still governed by the rules of the invisible political game.

Key words: Abe administration, Japan'policy towards the U.S., Japan-U.S. relations, post-Abe era, counterbalance to China
