日本问题研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 41-48.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2022.01.005

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 淮阴师范学院 外国语学院,江苏 淮安223300
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-27 发布日期:2022-03-29
  • 作者简介:孙艳华,女,文学博士,淮阴师范学院外国语学院教授,主要从事日语语言及日本文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Portrayal of Epidemic Diseases in Modern Japanese Literature

SUN Yan-hua   

  1. School of Foreign languages, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai'an, Jiangsu, 223300, China
  • Received:2021-10-27 Published:2022-03-29

摘要: 日本近代文学与疫病关系密切。广津柳浪的《残菊》、森鸥外的《假面》以及夏目漱石的《从此以后》《门》《心》等作品充分体现了结核和伤寒与文学的关系。在以西班牙大流感为题材的作品群中,芥川龙之介、秋田雨雀、永井荷风、岸田国士等文人以日记、信件或随笔的形式记录病症与病痛。这些个人记录远比官方记载更鲜活、直观,也更能引起后人的共鸣,对于疫病防御颇具启示。小说在深入挖掘人们直面传染病大流行时的内心变化方面发挥了不可替代的作用,志贺直哉的《流行感冒》、菊池宽的《口罩》和宫本百合子的《伸子》是此类作品中的精品。这些作品不仅触及人物的内心世界,还揭示出对他者的暴力、卫生观念欠缺、异国感染者的心理抚慰等社会问题,从而显示出作品的深刻性。疫病文学再现了被感染大潮所吞没的个体的人生、情感与生命的光环,这是疫病文学的现实意义之所在。在文明批评与现实批判方面,与谢野晶子的《从感冒的病床上》和《死亡的恐惧》发人深思。另一方面,日本近代书写疫情的文学也暴露出局限性。仅关注个体的生存状况与心理状态,鲜有对共同体和社会的深入思考;缺乏宏观的视角与恢弘的构架,难以通过作品把握感染病流行时整个社会的状况与日本人群体的精神世界。

关键词: 疫病, 日本近代文学, 西班牙大流感, 书写, 社会批判

Abstract: Modern Japanese literature is closely related to epidemic diseases. The relationship between tuberculosis and typhoid fever and literature is fully reflected in Hirotsu Ryuurous Decaying Chrysanthemum, Mori Ougais Persona and Natsume Souseki's Henceforth, Heart and Door. Among the works with the theme of Spanish flu pandemic, the symptoms and pains are recorded in the form of diaries, letters or essays in Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Akita Ujyaku, Nagai Kafu, Kishida Kunio and other scholars works. These personal records are far more vivid and intuitive than official records, and can also arouse the resonance of future generations, which are quite enlightening for epidemic prevention. The novels play an irreplaceable role in deeply excavating peoples inner changes when challenging the pandemic of infectious diseases. Shiga Naoya's Influenza, Kikuchi Kans Mask and Miyamoto Yuriko's Nobuko are the extraordinary ones of such works. These works not only reached into the inner world of the characters, but also revealed the social issues, such as violence against others, lack of health concept, psychological comfort for foreign infected people, thereby reflecting the profundity of the works. Epidemic literature reproduced the aura, emotion and life of individuals swallowed by the tide of infection, which is the practical significance of epidemic literature. In terms of criticism of civilization and reality, Yosano's From the Sickbed with a Cold and The Fear of Death are thoughtprovoking. On the other hand, Japanese modern literature on the epidemic situation also exposed its limitations. It only paid attention to the living conditions and psychological states of individuals, and rarely dived deep into the community and society. Lacking a macro perspective and a grand framework, it was unable to grasp the situation of the whole society and the mental world of the Japanese population through the works when the infectious disease is prevalent.

Key words: epidemic diseases, modern Japanese literature, Spanish flu pandemic, portrayal, social criticism
