日本问题研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 39-49.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2024.06.003

• 政治研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 上海外国语大学 日本文化经济学院, 上海〓200083
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-31 发布日期:2024-12-30

Analysis of the Form of Regime Rule Before and After the Conquest of Mutsu ——Taking the Master-servant Dependency Relationship as a Clue

ZHENG Liquan, LIAN Degui   

  1. School of Japanese Culture and Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China
  • Received:2024-07-31 Published:2024-12-30

摘要: 与大陆国家逐渐君主专制化的历史进程不同,中古日本长期处于交换物归属不清晰的阶段,使阶层内部、阶层之间主从依存度增强,进而导致整个社会扩张型复合政权统治形态长期占据主导地位。其中,朝廷主导扩张型复合政权统治形态所导致的社会阶层固化,使具有高度一致“志向同一性”的武士阶层逐渐放弃朝廷主导的交换体系,积极营造自身主导的交换圈,其外在政治表现即武士主导的扩张型复合政权统治形态在陆奥征伐后初步成为社会主导形态,此举阻塞了中下层武士与朝廷之间的交换途径,使朝廷失去了新兴武士阶层的支持,进而在与幕府的对峙中逐渐处于下风,承久之乱即力证。

关键词: 主从依存关系, 《吾妻镜》, 社会交换, 政权统治形态, 源赖朝

Abstract: Unlike the historical process of gradual monarchical absolutism in mainland countries, medieval Japan was in a stage of unclear ownership of exchange items for a long time, which increased the degree of master-servant dependence within and between social classes, leading to the long-term dominance of the expansionist compound regime in the entire society. Among them, the social stratification caused by the expansion of the composite regime dominated by the court led to the gradual abandonment of the exchange system dominated by the court and the active creation of its own dominant exchange circle by the samurai class with highly consistent “aspirations and identity”. Its external political manifestation is that the expansion of the composite regime dominated by the samurai initially became the social dominant form after the land and the conquest of Mutsu, which blocked the exchange channels between the middle and lower class samurai and the court, causing the court to lose the support of the emerging samurai class, and gradually fell behind in the confrontation with the shogunate. The Chengjiu Rebellion is a strong proof.

Key words: master-servant dependency relationship
