日本问题研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 70-80.DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2024.06.006

• 文化研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 南开大学 日本研究院, 天津〓300071
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-01 发布日期:2024-12-30

Analysis of Shibusawa Eiichis Concept of Family


  1. Japan Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Received:2024-09-01 Published:2024-12-30

摘要: 涩泽荣一被誉为“近代日本资本主义之父”,其不遗余力倡导的“经济道德同一说”深受世人瞩目。从微观实证视角考察涩泽荣一的家族观,有助于全方位理解和认知涩泽荣一推动近代日本走上经济近代化道路转型的多重面向。作为明治时代引领经济发展潮流的领袖人物,涩泽荣一如何处理家庭、家族和国家三者之间的关系,成为从作为社会基本单位的家族层面审视和观察日本近代化社会走向的重要缩影之一。涩泽荣一处理有关与“涩泽本家”另立门户、废立家族继承人、制定家法家训和设立同族会等,旨在推动日本家族制度与国家进步协同并进的“家国同构”发展模式。同时,其也在废黜家族继承人等问题上,陷入难以有效应对家族伦理、社会伦理与政治伦理之间复杂情感的尴尬境地。涩泽荣一家族是近代日本具有代表性的家族之一,其家族观反映了在从封建社会向近代化社会转型过程中,传统家族制度面对“西力东渐”的近代化潮流冲击所发生的嬗变与兴替。

关键词: 涩泽荣一, 近代日本, 明治时代, 家族制度, 家族观

Abstract: Shibusawa Eiichi is hailed as “the father of modern Japanese capitalism”, and his “theory of the unity of economy and morality” that he advocated with all his might has attracted worldwide attention. Examining Shibusawa Eiichis concept of family from a micro-empirical perspective helps to comprehensively understand and recognize the multiple aspects of Shibusawa in promoting modern Japans transformation onto the path of economic modernization. As a leading figure in leading the economic development trend in the Meiji era, how Shibusawa Eiichi handled the relationship among family, clan and country has become one of the important microcosms for examining and observing the trend of modern Japanese society from the family level as the basic unit of society. Shibusawa was engaged in handling issues such as setting up an independent household from the “Shibusawa main family”, abolishing and appointing family heirs, formulating family laws and precepts and establishing a clan association, aiming to promote the “homologous structure of family and country” development model in which the Japanese family system and national progress go hand in hand. At the same time, on issues such as abolishing family heirs, Shibusawa also fell into an awkward situation where it was difficult to effectively deal with the complex emotions among family ethics, social ethics and political ethics. Shibusawa Eiichi family is one of the representative families in modern Japan, and its concept of family reflects that in the process of transforming from a feudal society to a modern society, the traditional family system underwent evolution and replacement under the impact of the modernization trend of “the wests influence spreading eastward”.

Key words: Shibusawa Eiichi, modern Japan, Meiji Era, family system, concept of family
