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    25 June 2020, Volume 34 Issue 3
    Original Paper
    On Abe Cabinet's Sending Troops to The Middle East: DecisionMaking, Breakthroughs and Objectives
    XU Wan-sheng,LIANG Bao-wei
    2020, 34(3):  1-9.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.001
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    With the standoff between the United States and Iran and the rising tension in the Middle East, Japan Maritime SelfDefense Force has sent troops to the Middle East to collect intelligence at the start of 2020. Prime Minister Abe has presided over the decision of sending troops alone based on the approach of balanced diplomacy. The decision reflected both the continuity of Japans sending troops overseas in the postCold War era and the breakthroughs in the areas of legal basis, USJapan alliance, and policy approach. By sending troops to the Middle East, the Abe cabinet aims to achieve multiple strategic objectives. Overall, it is a decision more of symbolic significance than of concrete effects.
    On the Basic Regulation on Council under the Reforms of Japan’s Local Councils
    JIN Cheng1,2, ZHOU Min2
    2020, 34(3):  10-19.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.002
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    Due to various factors, Japan‘s local councils have always faced problems such as limited power, ineffective performance, and poor public perception. The Decentralization Reform has created favorable conditions for the local council reform. The changes in the local political and economic environment in the 1990s further forced the councils to reform themselves. The basic regulation on council has been enacted by the local councils to regulate the basic affairs of local councils. The basic regulation on council is not only an important achievement of local council reforms, but also a blueprint for the reforms with legal protection. Local councils continue to push council reforms in accordance with the basic regulation on council.
    The Institutional Substitution of Japans Industrialization Shortage:Focusing on the Influence of Commercial Law Adaptive Translation on the Formation of Zaibatsu
    PING Liqun
    2020, 34(3):  20-28.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.003
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    One of the most important contributions of the Meiji Restoration is that,through institutional innovations conductive to technology import, it initiated the Japanese Industrial Revolution, promoted the process of industrialization, and laid the foundation for the advancement of industrialization.Among them is the complication of the Japanese Commerce Code through the transplantation of the Western mode by the Meiji government. Under the influence of familism, Meiji legislators adapted Western company law in favor of the wealthy family community, adjusting the relevant terms of general partnership company, limited partnership company and stock companies. The regulations on the corporate governance structure are in line with the xenophobic claims of property ownership by the major shareholder, the “Zaibatsu family”, and provide legal protection for strengthening the Zaibatsu familys control of the family business. The form of organization of general partnership company, limited partnership company and stock companies under the organic combination in Zaibatsu structure has realized the requirements of the limited ownership and liability of the Zaibatsu families. Under the guidance, protection and support of the Commercial Law, the formation and gigantism of Zaibatsu has made up for the two major shortfalls of Japan as a latecomer country initiating industrialization—the lack of primitive accumulation of capital and the lack of industrial systematization. The Japanese Zaibatsu can be considered as the institutional substitution for the shortage factors in the process of Japans industrialization. Although the Zaibatsu system could lower the cost of Japanese industrialization, the social cost of it could not be ignored.
    The Development and Implications of Japanese Smart Agriculture
    SU Hang, MA Xiao-lei
    2020, 34(3):  29-36.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.004
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    Smart agriculture is the new trend of agriculture development in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. In face of the impact of agriculture development challenges and trade liberalization, the Japanese government proposed to develop smart agriculture to overcome the shortage of agriculture workforce, promote the productivity and revitalize Japanese agriculture.Therefore, the Japanese government set five development objectives for smart agriculture. Thedrone, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of things are the main technologies applied in Japanese smart agriculture.Support from Japanese government and participation of all parties are the characteristics of the development of Japanese smart agriculture. Meanwhile, Japanese government made great efforts to strengthen the international competitiveness of Japanesea griculture by developing smart agriculture. The development of Japanese smart agriculture offers a valuable reference for Chinese agriculture, which is in the process of informationization and intellectualization.
    A Further Study on Nishihara Loans and CAO Ru-lin, Lu Zong-yu and ZHANG Zong-xiangs Identity as “Traitors”
    SUN Zhi-peng
    2020, 34(3):  37-46.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.005
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    In the process of carrying out the mainland policy in modern Japan, “the TwentyOne Demands” is an important practice of Japans “Keep North and Go South” invasion of China. Following the failure of the Okuma Cabinets armed invasion of China, the Terauchi Cabinet transformed its strategy,vigorously pursued economic invasion of China centered on the Nishihara loans, and collected a large number of new rights which had not been obtained by “the TwentyOne Demands”. In this process, Cao Rulin, Lu Zongyu and Zhang Zongxiang provided much help. Around the May 4th Movement, there were both facts and rumors about the antiJapanese factions evidence of “betrayal” of Cao, Lu and Zhang. However, Cao, Lu and Zhangs own argument of “no rebate” and “taking back Shandongs rights” could not withstand the test of historical facts and logical inference. Therefore, Nishihara Loans is not only the key link of inheriting “the TwentyOne Demands” and opening the May 4th Movement, but also the key evidence to confirm the identity of Cao, Lu and Zhang as “traitors”.
    Exploring the Relation Between the Emperor, the Government and the People in Japans Symbol Emperor System
    XIONG Shu-e
    2020, 34(3):  47-53.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.006
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    Emperor Akihitos abdication in 2019, which marked the end of the Heisei era, has been a complicated issue for Emperor Akihito himself, the Abe administration and Japanese people. In appearance, the government prioritizes the Emperors wish and public opinion but had to make a concession and mediate between the Emperor, the conservative party and the public opinion. Public opinions are in favor of the Emperor, but tend to avoid an discussion on the issue of the symbol emperor system. Emperor Akihito, who respected the postwar constitution and royal tradition, is suspected of breaching the constitution and royal tradition. While much importance has been attached to “public opinion”by all sides, there has been a lack of due attention to the fundamental question - Is the public supportive of the Emperor himself, or the symbol emperor system?Public opinions should be respected, but not to be used selectively. As the continuation of prewar Japans system of government, the symbol emperor system matters not only to the past but to the future of Japan, and therefore is a problem that should be addressed properly by the Emperor,the government, and the public.
    The Inspiration of Zhu Xi’s Standpoint of “the Investigation of Things and the Extension of Knowledge” to Research on GoodnessThe Inspiration of Zhu Xi‘s Standpoint of “the Investigation of Things and the Extension of Knowledge” to Research on Goodness
    GENG Zi-Jie
    2020, 34(3):  54-61.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.007
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    How Nishida Kitaro’s philosophy inherited NeoConfucianism is a grand topic.In fact, the theory of “the investigation of things and the extension of knowledge” was the starting point of Zhu Xis establishment of his NeoConfucianism system, and Research on Goodness established the unity of subject and object that ran through the different stages of NisidaKidaro‘s thoughts. Both ZhuXi Study and YangMing Study took the unity of heaven and humanity as the basic premise, but the starting point of learning lay in the two ends of “investigating things” and “the rediscovery of conscience”. In Nishida Kitaro’s later years, he paid more and more attention to the thought of “things” in the real historical world, which had begun to appear in the stage of Research on Goodness. Although he held the position of the unity of subject and object, he had been trying to overcome the tendency that Research on Goodness was misunderstood as psychologism or consciousness. In epistemology, he emphasized abandoning the subjective assumption of self and being consistent with the nature of things.Therefore, at least in terms of realism, the pure experience position established in Research on Goodness is closer to the theory of “the investigation of things and the extension of knowledge” of ZhuXi Study. In his later years, he also cited Zhu Xi‘s “investigating things”explanation to support his logical construction of the real historical world and ensure the objective authenticity of his thoughts.
    A Study of Tanaka Chigaku's Theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai
    JIA Si-jing
    2020, 34(3):  62-69.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.008
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    Under the social crisis in the early Taisho Period, Tanaka Chigakus theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai combined the myth of the founding of Japan with the Lotus Sutra by Nichirens Buddhist idea, which advocated emperor worship and Japan centralism. Focusing on Tenno and Japan, the theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai formed a kind of logic supporting absolute authority of the Tenno and beautifying the war of foreign aggression. While satisfying the expanding nationalism of modern Japan, the theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai was utilized by ultranationalism and fascism in the Showa period, which became the cornerstone of the thought of foreign aggression.Under the social crisis in the early Taisho Period, Tanaka Chigakus theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai combined the myth of the founding of Japan with the Lotus Sutra by Nichirens Buddhist idea, which advocated emperor worship and Japan centralism. Focusing on Tenno and Japan, the theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai formed a kind of logic supporting absolute authority of the Tenno and beautifying the war of foreign aggression. While satisfying the expanding nationalism of modern Japan, the theory of Nichirenshugi Kokutai was utilized by ultranationalism and fascism in the Showa period, which became the cornerstone of the thought of foreign aggression.
    Exploration and Practice of Character Merchandising in Postwar Japan
    HAN Ruo-bing
    2020, 34(3):  70-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2020.03.009
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    Character merchandising in postwar Japan was heavily impacted by Disneys character merchandising model. With the development of mass media and commodity exploitation, character merchandising promoted the chain of anime and manga industry and brought huge profits that also created a new source of profit for Japanese creators, producers and enterprise. Most importantly, the development of character merchandising in postwar Japan established the mechanism of exchange known as licensing and laid the foundation for anime and manga industry. Meanwhile character merchandising fit in with the needs of society at that time and was welcomed by Japanese children, which provided much room for anime and manga industry.