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    25 April 2018, Volume 32 Issue 2
    Original Paper
    An Analysis of External Publicity of Japan’s New Media in China: Strategy, Path and Feature
    WU Xian
    2018, 32(2):  1-7.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.001
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    In recent years, Japan has started to emphasize the utilization of new media to strengthen the external publicity in China with new changes in Chinarelated reports. Japan first develops “SNS” strategy aimed at social networking, attempting to establish the vertical publicity network of new media from center to local regions and to integrate the lateral publicity channels from the authority to people, in order to enhance the publicity of Japan’s proposition in territory and history; Japan also seeks to take advantage of Chinese “Internet plus” and social networking platforms to extensively spread the “China threat theory” and the“China collapse theory”, thus promoting the contention for international discourse power as well as cultural and ideological penetration. The external publicity of Japan’s new media has turned into an indispensable channel and instrument for Japan to implement its national strategic intent and start diplomatic games and public opinion wars, threatening China’s interests and social stability to some extent.
    Japan’s IndoPacific Strategy and Its Policy Practice
    ZHANG Yaozhi
    2018, 32(2):  8-19.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.002
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    Based on its strategic goal of being a “firstclass nation”, Japan under the Abe administration has been active in the IndoPacific geopolitics. The pursuit of Japan’s “IndoPacific” geostrategic concept is reflected not only in the strategic thinking and policy ideas of Japanese leaders, but also in Japan’s diplomatic practice. The idea of Japan’s “IndoPacific” strategy is implemented through three approaches: security, economic cooperation, cultural and peopletopeople exchanges. The essence of Japan’s IndoPacific geopolitics is to seek the status of being a “political power”, to gain economic benefits and promote the economic development of Japan, and to play against China. Predictably, with the change of the pattern of interests in IndoPacific region, the development of China’s diplomatic strategy and the irreversible rise of China, the uncertainty of the U.S. strategy and the gloomy prospect of USJapan IndoPacific strategy, Japan does not have a practical basis to play a major role in promoting the IndoPacific strategy without the United States.
    “Abenomics”: No “Real” Economic Growth and Misalignment of Policies
    JIN Renshu
    2018, 32(2):  20-27.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.003
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    Five years after the implementation of “Abenomics”, its effect on economic growth appears. It not only realizes the second longest booming after the Second World War, but also helps the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) led by Mr. Abe win the general election. However, due to sluggish business investment in equipment, poor earnings, falling unemployment but lower wages, working environment degradation and other reasons, the policy failed to achieve the expected goals, thus the “Abenomics” has not contributed to a real growth of the economy. It has led to negative effect due to the contradictory economic policies that lack continuity and the misalignment of policy priorities and economic realities. Under the background of low birth rate and aging society, Mr. Abe’s government must adopt policies and measures to encourage enterprises to improve labor productivity, so as to eliminate the huge fiscal deficits and realize higher wages, higher consumption, and better social security system, thus achieving a real economic growth.
    An Examination of Calendar Reform in Meiji Japan
    LI Zhuo
    2018, 32(2):  28-35.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.004
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    The change of calendar system is one of the landmark events in Japan’s implementation of the Civilization and Enlightenment policy during the Meiji Restoration. Previously, the old calendar system consisted of two stages — the use of Chinese calendar and the use of Japanese calendar. This old calendar system was deeply influenced by Chinese calendar system and had been used for approximately 1,300 years. Japan’s change of calendar system occurred alongside with Japan’s intention of integrating into the western world after the Meiji Restoration. It also appeared to be one bold attempt with the aim to overcome fiscal difficulty. As a result, it not only saved government expenses, but also elevated the reputation of the new Meiji government. However, this cursory act of calendar reform overlooked traditions and paid a high price for the sudden “departure from Asia for Europe”. The examination of the calendar reform 145 years ago is of great significance for the evaluation of the success and failure of the Meiji Restoration.
    Yamaga Soko’s Kogaku Works and the Ming “Encyclopaedias”
    WANG Qi
    2018, 32(2):  36-42.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.005
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    The establishment of the Confucian literature in the Edo period is inseparable from the nourishment of Chinese classics. Exploring the relationship between the extraterritorial Confucian Chinese books and Chinese classics is not only the content of history of SinoJapanese cultural exchange, but also the foundation of the study of Confucian scholars. As a representative of the ancient school critising the SongMing NeoConfucianism, Yamaga Soko’s works also come from the Confucian classics of the Song and Ming Dynasties. In particular, Shanluyulei is based on the Encyclopaedia of Xingli, and the Encyclopaedia of Sishujudu is the transformation of the Encyclopaedia of Four Books in ancient style.
    Cultural Transformation in Heian Period as Seen
    ZHANG Ruyi,LIU Chunliu
    2018, 32(2):  43-48.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.006
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    Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter), the first Japanese monogatari (fictional prose narrative), came into being in a transformative period in Japanese culture when the influence of Chinese Tang Dynasty was declining while the Japanese national consciousness was rising. Consequently, in terms of both theme and style, Taketori Monogatari contains many elements of traditional Chinese culture, and at the same time it also shows unique Japanese aesthetic taste and cultural features. The essay argues that studies on the tale will not only help us further understand the features of Japanese monogatari, but also the cultural transformation of Heian Period.
    The Current Situation of “Double Care”in Japan and Its Implications for China
    LIN Na
    2018, 32(2):  49-62.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.007
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    “Double care” means that the “sandwich generation” takes care of both the elderly and the children. Japan is widely recognized as one of the countries with the serious problems of fewer children and aging population in the world, and the government and social groups have taken a number of effective measures to solve the problems. At present, China is also entering the aging society. Besides, the implementation of policies with Chinese characteristics including the universal twochild policy in early 2016 brings new problems and difficulties to the double care issue in the new era.
    Entrepreneurship Education in Japanese Universities and Its Implications
    LI Wenying
    2018, 32(2):  63-68.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.008
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    Since the collapse of the bubble economy, Japan has long been in an economic downturn. In order to extricate itself from the recession and enhance university students’ employment abilities and entrepreneurship, Japanese universities attach great importance to the implementation of entrepreneurship education. They have formed their own characteristics in training objectives, curriculum, implementation approaches, and faculty in terms of entrepreneurship education. Effective entrepreneurship education in Japanese universities has important implications for Chinese universities, which are at the initial stage of entrepreneurship education.
    Reality and Challenges:Competence Assessment in Japanese Law School Admission Test
    DAI Yifei
    2018, 32(2):  69-75.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2018.02.009
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    Aiming at improving the legal profession, Japanese judicial system reform, together with the creation of law school, is now faced with the possibility of failure. Although Japanese Law School Admission Test utilizes the ideals and skills of psychometrical measurements and focuses on the competency assessment, the actual effect of the test has been greatly restricted and reduced by Japanese judicial realities like low pass rate of judicial examination. Therefore, how to design the admission test of law schools is not only a technical issue, but also a systematic problem which needs the efficient coordination between educational and judicial administrations.