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    25 April 2007, Volume 31 Issue 2
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    Original Paper
    Analysis on Propulsion and Results on Japan's ITbased Country Strategy
    LI Dan-lin 1, MA Xue-li 2
    2017, 31(2):  1-9.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.001
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    “ITbased Country” Strategy is the concentrated reflection of Japan's strategy “basing the country on science and technology” on promoting the development of specific industries.Under the multiple pressure actuation, Japan greatly promoted the “ITbased” strategy with the construction of information infrastructure, the application of information technology and the social information construction as the core and continually developed and improved the strategic framework. In the process of implementing the “ITbased” strategy, Japan has made great strides in the aspects of toplevel design, infrastructure, social application and personnel construction to promote the strategy. And it has made remarkable achievements in information infrastructure, the level of information technology, information social construction and international competitiveness. Based on the experience of Japan, China should form the stepbystep strategic system, realize the division and cooperation among each innovation unit and pay attention to the combination of information development strategy and other strategies, especially the standard internationalization strategy in the development of information technology and related industries.
    Distribution System, Income Inequality and Crossing of Middleincome Trap——Based on the Japanese Experience and Enlightenment
    WANG Wan-li 1, WANG Hou-shuang 2
    2017, 31(2):  10-19.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.002
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    From the middle of the 20th century to the 1980’s, Japan improved gradually the first income distribution system that taking the possession of wealth among the people as the base, stable employment as the core, the minimum wage as the security, the income multiplier as the aim. In the process of redistribution, it has formed the unified balanced fiscal system, direct taxled system and social security system with the feature of insurance, the highamount progressive income tax of classification and grading, and the national social security system. Through the effective supply of the income distribution system, Japan has created the equality myth of “all one hundred million national belonging to the middle class”, which successfully crossed the “middleincome trap” among the ranks of highincome countries. The successful experience of Japan has important inspiration and reference for China with facing residents’ income disparity widening and risk of falling into a “middleincome trap”.
    War Expenses Preparation Mechanisms of Japan in Second World War
    PANG Bao-qing
    2017, 31(2):  20-29.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.003
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    After the outbreak of the war of aggression against China, Japan adopted the war expenses preparation mechanisms which were established in modern times to provide financial support for the war, which has formed war expenditure centered on special military expenses. Its main sources of income are revenues, government bonds and exploitation of occupied areas. The war expenses preparation depended on public loan that the domestic finance institutions of the Japan issue before the Pacific Ocean war. But after the Pacific Ocean war, the war expenses preparation ways began to shift to the plundering enemyoccupied areas.
    Essence of Greater East Asia Conference and Its Impacts on Manchukuo
    JI Hong-xu
    2017, 31(2):  30-36.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.004
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    The Greater East Asia Conference, which was held in 1943 as Japan's precaution to consolidate and strengthen its grip on the occupied areas, is a symbolic review of Japanese manipulation. For the puppet Manchukuo, the political exhibition in the Greater East Asia Conference has more profound connotation, marking the strengthening and rerecognition on the puppet Manchuria in Japan's aggression system in the late of the Pacific War. It can seen that Japan's wellplanned Greater East Comference,was held in the event of unfavorable situation in the war situation to intensify the control of the various servant regimes,basically achieved the desired purpose,and to promote the further nationalization of national of the Manchukuo.
    Research on Meansplusfunction Patent Claim of Japan
    MAO Ying-hong
    2017, 31(2):  37-43.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.005
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    Functional description in patent claims often has the problems of ambiguous meaning and overly large technical scope determined by literal meaning. The functional records have also become a difficult issue in national patent licensing, enforcement procedures and infringement proceedings. Since the revise of Japan patent law in 1994, which includes the machinery and other traditional fields emphasized on structural records, there are a large number claims of functional records and they are actually authorized. This paper studies the recording requirements and methods of interpretation of the Japanese functional limitations, so as to provide China reference to improve the relevant rules.
    Commentary on Thoughts of Jissaiteki kyōikugaku of Sawayanagi Masataro
    LI Wei
    2017, 31(2):  44-49.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.006
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    Sawayanagi Masataro is an important representative of the new education movement in Meiji and Taisho Period and an advocate of the idea of Jissaiteki kyōikugaku inJapan. His thoughts of Jissaiteki kyōikugaku mainly include the educational purpose, the educational phenomenon, and the most closely related educational problems. Though there are some limitations in Sawaanagi Masataro's thoughts of Jissaiteki kyōikugaku, it has a milestone significance in the development of Japanese education, which is a valuable heritage in the research of Japanese education.
    The historical evolution and the trend of Japanese pedagogy research
    NAREN Gao-wa
    2017, 31(2):  50-54.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.007
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    Japanese pedagogy research history, the research paradigm as the criterion can be broadly divided into "translation pedagogy "stage, "the Japanese pedagogy" stage, " critical pedagogy" (postwar pedagogy)stage and "after modern pedagogy" (after the cold war pedagogy) stage. But throughout the Japanese pedagogy research process, inheritance and transformation of research paradigm embodies Japanese pedagogy research always permeated with a kind of thinking, critical thinking, the thinking in a certain extent hinder the, of course, more is driving Japanese pedagogy development research. And this kind of thinking is reflected in two kinds of inner pursue, that is, the "science" and the "humanity" of pedagogy.
    Civic Organizations Participation in Local Governance in Japan: Case Study of Autonomy Associations
    WANG Bing
    2017, 31(2):  55-63.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.008
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    The participation of civic organizations is an important part of governance system. Among it, in the context of decentralization and local residents' autonomy in local governance system, civic organization formed by local residents is an important participant in it. Autonomy associations in Japan both in terms of quantity and the scale of distribution are Japan's largest civic organization, which as a local community civic organizations, plays an active part in local governance. Meanwhile, Autonomy associations with auxiliary administrative function, has the characteristics of maintaining good cooperation and coordination with municipalities and local government. Therefore, it shows the characteristics of "administrative medium type citizen participation mode" in local governance. On the one hand, it mobilizes local residents to participate in local governance, provides public services for the local residents. On the other hand, it advocates its interests through good relations and cooperation with local administration in order to influence the local government.
    Research on Think Tanks of Japanese Typical Labor and Social Security: Main Categories and Feature Analysis
    CAI Ze-hao1,YU He-nan2
    2017, 31(2):  64-72.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.009
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    The development of new type of think tanks with Chinese characteristics has been heated discussed, while Japan, as an early aging society, is likely to shed several light on the building of the professional think tanks on labor and social security. The paper takes a retrospect of the development of typical labor and social security think tanks in Japan with civil, governmental and universitybased categories. Civil think tanks remained professional and fiscal sustainable by combining with charitable foundations: governmental ones are in the integrating trend, with related legislation giving them relative independency; their universitybased counterparts were fiscally competitive by nature, prioritizing the internal and external resource integration. The features of these think tanks include: emphasis on field work and data mining, differential governance by the nature of the thinktank founder, diversified channels of fiscal resources, multilevel deliveries of the influence.
    Analysis on Communitarianism Ideology of Japanese “Muenshi” Researches
    LI Shu-qin
    2017, 31(2):  73-80.  DOI: 10.14156/j.cnki.rbwtyj.2017.02.010
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    Once “Muenshi” phenomenon was discovered and spread by Japanese TV Station NHK, it has become a hot topic of the society, and lots of researches on it have appeared in the last 5 years. Japan sociology academic attributes it to the disintegration of the community, namely the family disintegration due to the family function, much unemployment because of reformation of employment system. The Japanese society is going to be individualization. From their researches, we could give a conclusion that the academic has not got rid of the ideology of collectivism yet. There is still a tendency that community is a stable, static and cohesive group. However, the ideology not only has contradiction in the logic, but also conform to the Japanese experience.